Community Calendar


Monday 3rd June

Education Committee 6:30 pm

Wednesday 5th June

Division Cross Country

Thursday 6th June

Building & Construction Incursion 1/2 Team

Parent Forum - Dr. David Collins 6.30 pm

Friday 7th June

5/6 Winter Sport

Monday 10th June

Queen's Birthday Public Holiday

Tuesday 11th June

Resources Committee 7:00 pm

Friday 14th June 

5/6 Winter Sport

Monday 17th June

School Council 7:00 pm

Wednesday 19th June

Environment Committee meeting 6.00 pm

Monday 24th June

Japan Tour departs

Scienceworks Excursion 3/4 Team

Friday 28th June

Term 2 Concludes @ 2.30 pm


Monday 15th July

Term 3 Commences 9.00 am

Wednesday 24th July

VSSS Choir Rehearsal @ The Melbourne Town Hall


Monday 5th August

Education Committee 6:30 pm

Tuesday 6th August

MVIMP Music Camp departs

Friday 9th August

MVIMP Music Camp returns

Wednesday 21st August

VSSS Choir Rehearsal @ The Melbourne Town Hall

Environment Committee meeting 6.00 m

Monday 26th August

School Council 7:00 pm

Wednesday 28th August

Grade 5/6 Free Activity Day


Monday 2nd September

Education Committee 6:30 pm

Thursday 12th September

VSSS Choir Dress Rehearsal @ Melbourne Arena

Friday 13th September

VSSS Choir Dress Rehearsal @ Melbourne Arena

Saturday 14th September 

VSSS Choir Performance Matinee and Evening Performance @ Melbourne Arena

Monday 16th September 

School Council 7:00 pm

Wednesday 18th September

Environment Committee meeting 6.00 pm