Principal's report

Dear Parents, Carers,Students and Carers

Updating your knowledge of Assessment at MPWPS


Teachers are busy drawing together assessments outlined in the school’s Assessment Schedule. Our Assessment and Reporting team have carriage of liaising with teaching teams to gain feedback and provide information about the different assessments and why we are collecting student achievement evidence. This is known as a tiered approach.   At the AGM last Monday, Barbara and Jarrod presented Teacher Judgement evidence which is measured against other external assessments, such as PAT Maths and Reading, NAPLAN and PROBE reading assessments.  It was reassuring to see that whilst teachers are historically conservative, we are getting much more accurate in matching learning and assessment to student ability.  In teaching terms we call this finding the Zone of Proximal Development or ZPD. Finding such a zone enables the teaching instruction to be where it is required from a base of evidence.

The presentation that was shared at the AGM is up on the Website and in the COMPASS School document section. We also have some hardcopies at the General Office should you wish to request.  I find the learning cycle very exciting as teachers and students work together to always improve.

Instructional Model

During this term staff have been working together to identify a school Instructional Model, working from what is existing.  By 2018, all government schools were expected to have identified a pedagogical model that would link into a model for instruction. Our school’s philosophy statement is encapsulated here. The Education Committee of School Council, has recently had the chance to learn about the aspects of the model.  The first part of the model refers to learning or lesson goals and success criteria. These aspects will become visible across all classrooms next term, as teachers work to implement the agreements into their daily lessons.  An advantage of these two components will be that all students should be able to explain what they are learning and why. Another exciting component in continuing to build on teaching excellence.

Casual Relief Teachers

Some members of our community have inquired as to the process for allocating relief teachers and or splitting classes. All decisions in a school organisation has a process, and replacement certainly fits in this scape. Employing a CRT for replacement depends on a number of considerations last of all the dollar allocation.  In splitting a class we are maintaining the learning, as teachers plan together and students know the teachers they are going too.  There is a regular list and in most cases the class only receives 1-3 students additional.  The expectation is that the children come to the class, are welcomed and do the same learning as the class  so there is no disruption to the learning process even though their teacher is absent.  An additional benefit is that the teachers are encouraging children to get to know each other, and the teachers are getting to know all the children in their cohort not just their class. This builds collective efficacy; the belief that I as the teacher can make a difference.  It is an essential part of improving student learning.  No longer are teachers expected to be responsible just for their own class but they assist all teachers in their cohort to improve learning.   This is new thinking for schools and the teachers are beginning to plan together and see that splitting their class is not a deficit, but an enhancement as their learning continues. Of course if a teacher indicates they will be away for a period of time we work hard to endeavour to employ a teacher for the duration and one that knows our school and the student. When the teacher is away for a period of time the parents/carers and students will be informed by letter from me.

Other considerations for replacement include specialist sessions on the day, and other happenings across the school. Unfortunately, teachers get sick, have other things going on in their lives, and so it is up to the Daily Organiser, in consultation with me and our processes, to ensure that the learning of students is not interrupted and that the Industrial Agreement is upheld.  Holding students at the centre, is the work of all Principals, and collectively supports the work of teachers in the classroom.

The Regional Principals Conference

Monday and Tuesday of this week we (Barb and I) are at the Principals Conference.  The conference provides an opportunity to learn with colleagues and refocus on what we are doing in relation to the State Education Plan, after all we are a government school which is part of a bigger system. The message from the system is “to stay the course” which refers to the implementation of the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO), a statewide improvement strategy implemented in all government schools.   On Monday I attended two workshops one on Parent Engagement and the other on developing Student Voice in their learning.  Both of these aspects are part of our new Strategic Plan and part of our work over the next three years. I look forward to sharing some insights with our Parent Reps firstly, and then through this medium going forward.  Parental engagement: what is the definition and how can we develop this for all children in all classes, both on and off the school site?

School Council Sub-Committee membership

Last week we called for additional parents, carers, interested persons to join these groups. How did you go with this consideration?  It is a great opportunity to be part of such a structure.  I encourage you to join the Sub-Committees of the School Council. Please see the Expression of Interest on the School Council page.

Opening of the new Toilet Block

This week on Friday (June 7th) we are having an Official Opening of our now completed toilet rebuild. Members of the Planning Committee, Architect’s, the Department of Education, the Member for Essendon (Danny Pearson), students (Jack and Amy) on the planning committee and JSC members  and of course you are all invited.  If you can gather at 10.30am a short ceremony will be held to mark this occasion. Light refreshment will be served after the opening. I would like to acknowledge and thank the community members who have been involved with this project especially Jarrod Smith, Maree Marshall, Sarah Hastings, Mark Paterson, Stewart Burte, Nicole Marshall and teachers Sue Phillips and Diana Vivian and our Business Manager (Facilities Manager) Sandra Monaghan for representing the school during the project.  Well done to all.  The toilets have all the mod-cons we would expect. Let’s look after them!

Flag Captains

We have two dedicated Year 6 boys (Harry and Ryker) who have assisted with the flag raising and lowering each day last week as a gesture for Reconciliation Week.  I am pleased to have these boys to continue until the end of the term, and then handover to others.  Having important positions of responsibility, enables students to really engage in school life.  Well done to these boys who came to share the results of one job, and offered to do another.

Well that’s about it from me.  Until I get to speak with you in person.


Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting at MPWPS)


We welcome Xavia Bicheno to the Administration Team as our Receptionist. 

"I have done a lot of work in Retail/Hospitality, but my favourite work by far has been Party Hosting and Babysitting.   

I love to cook (and eat), hang out with my friends and family and go on hikes/adventures!"