Principal's Report

Term 1, Week 9

Dear Parents and Carers,


Last Friday I had the privilege of attending the Requiem Mass in celebration of the life of Mr Gary McSweeney. 


Gary passed away on Saturday 11 March after a long battle with cancer. Gary has been an integral part of the Armidale Diocese for almost 40 years, over 30 of which he spent as a Principal at St Joseph's Barraba, St Xavier's Gunnedah and St Edward's Tamworth. Most recently, Gary had moved into roles in the Catholic Schools Office, first as a Schools Consultant and then as the Special Project Officer.  Gary was instrumental in the school facility improvements we have embarked upon over the last 12 months. 


Gary also had a significant role in the development of school sport at a diocesan, state and national level. He was a key driver in the establishment of the Polding and MacKillop regions in the late 1990's to provide Catholic School students with the opportunity to compete against their Public School counterparts.  In recent years, Gary was the head of the Australian Primary Schools Sports Association and contributed significantly to the developmental pathways for talented primary sportspersons.


Gary was a wonderful colleague and a great friend to all principals in the Armidale Diocese. He was affectionately known as "Gaz" to many, however such was his impact on younger principals he also earnt the nickname "Dad". His no-nonsense advice and ability to cut through issues succinctly was valued by all who sought his counsel. The measure of his leadership as a Principal and mentor can be seen in the quality of leaders he has developed over the years, many of whom now hold Principal and leadership positions in the diocese. He will be sorely missed by us all. 


We were also notified last week that Sr Clare Keating sadly passed away in a motor vehicle accident in Ireland. Sr Clare was the St Francis Xavier's School Principal in the late 1970's and early 1980's. 


Eternal rest grant onto Gary and Sr Clare, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.