FWPS Parents Association

Hello Everyone,


Our Parents Association (PA) is thriving, thanks to our amazing core group of parents. But guess what? Life gets busy. We must make the PA even better and stronger by expanding the team, and we want YOU!


If you're passionate about our FWPS community and can spare some time, join our committee. We need parents to keep the PA running right now.  We are seeking at least three parents to join our committee now to help make decisions, shadow and then nominate for the roles of Secretary, Vice- President and President in 2024. You'll have a say in decisions and shape the future of the PA.


Joining the committee means connecting with like-minded people who give their time and skills to make a positive difference in our school community.  So, if you're up for a committee role, reach out to us! Let's expand our PA core, and create an even more awesome organisation together.


Thanks for considering this exciting opportunity. We can't wait to have you on board!

Please email us, or come to our committee meeting tonight from 7pm at Harley & Rose. If you can come tonight please send us an email so we can make adjustments to the booking.


Take care,


Sharee, Kate and Tinny (your PA Exec) & PA Committee