Education News 

Nepalese culture, traditions and faiths.

By Sian B and Tom M – Room 12

On the 21st of November 2018, all the grade 3/4 students came together to learn about diversity in another country and the experience of Salma who has three different celebrations and cultures in her family! Sovana, Salma’s mum, came and spoke first to Rooms 11, 12 and 24 and then Rooms 16 and 17.

Sovana showed us some videos and answered many questions on them. She even performed a dance! She talked about festivals, costumes, dances, celebrations and what they do in Nepal and also in Australia (the Nepalese people). We found out that Nepalese people  wear red as it is the symbol of power. And they have lots of festivals that have stories of kings and elephants getting lost. They also have lots of festivals with food in Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim cultures. Nepal gets a holiday for the day of the dog because they love animals so much! Lots of us want a holiday in Melbourne for our pets as well.  

The song Sovana danced to was about a young girl having to get water from a pond far away and complaining about the long walk and heavy urn. We learned that in Australia lots of Nepalese people celebrate their culture but also do Easter and Christmas celebrations as well. There was so much information we got for our Belonging and Identity unit in Inquiry – we are all really excited about this unit this term.