Alumni News

Learning how to build a successful career in the arts.
Three alumni who’ve forged successful paths as artists and designers returned to school recently to give some practical tips to our Year 11 students studying art and visual communication and design.
Emma de Clario, is an actor and visual artist, who was a student at Princes Hill in the late 1980s.
Emma’s paintings have been exhibited in more than 30 exhibitions – from community spaces to commercial galleries and her acting career includes roles in theatre, tv and film.
Daniel Sutton, of the Class of 2011, is a graphic and multimedia designer at Arterial Design, specialising in exhibition and public space design. And Sophie Fox, class of 2015, is a sculptor, finishing her fine arts degree at Melbourne University’s VCA. Sophie recently held her first solo exhibition at a gallery in North Fitzroy.
The students heard some great pearls of wisdom from our guests – from how to increase your chances of getting accepted into an arts course of your choice; how to get your work noticed, how to survive rejection; how to build your career and lots more.
Thank you to our generous alumni for giving up their valuable time to help our students. The Q&A panel and small group discussion session was organised by our alumni program coordinator, Caroline Milburn and art teacher, Julie Davies.
The photos show our alumni guests and students at the career pathways session.