Keep on Learning

Year 1 Excursion
On Friday 12th June, the Year 1 students were treated to an exploratory walk to Lakewood Nature Reserve. To compliment our studies on the natural, managed and constructed environments in our local area, students identified different features along the way.
We spotted some of God's amazing creations like the crimson rosella, black ducks, white-faced heron and the wood duck ... alas, we did not hear or the see the local pobblebonk frog but will keep listening out for these funny sounding frogs!
Mrs Lepileo
Year 1 Teacher
Year 11 History
Students in Year 11 had fun reconstructing a broken "flos ollam" and experimenting with replicating Egyptian make up as observed in various artefacts found in tombs and wall paintings.
Middle School Art
WOW! I am constantly amazed at our
Year 6, 7 & 8 St Andrews Artists!
During Continuous Online Learning, Middle School Students were encouraged to persist with art making that reflected on this challenging time in our world. We focused our attention on how God can take a situation that seems uncertain and draw us into Himself, where we find shelter, peace and hope!
The final few weeks of this term were set aside for completing 3D work from Term 1. The results are amazing. Year 6 & 7 created ceramic sculptures that incorporated mixed-media – students had to remember their original plan and then persist and problem solve and find solutions to finishing their work. An exhibition of student work is currently on show in the Middle School Building for students to enjoy.
This project was absolutely amazing! I loved working on it, even though it has been quite different from working in the classroom. From this project I have learnt that art is not about being perfect, it is about being free and letting your ideas flow. As Paula Scher said in in the video, spelling mistakes don't matter because this is a work of art. This is something I have overcome in this project: using white-out. Every time I made a spelling mistake, I really wanted to cover it up, but I realised that I don't have to because this is not meant to be a proper map; it's meant to convey a message, which I think it has. This project has changed my view on art, and has in a way 'loosened me up' from always 'covering up'. I loved working on this project from home, but I do look forward to coming to school and working in the art room with my classmates.
Aruvi - Year 8
Senior Art
A Display of Stunning Year 9/10 Artworks
A display of Year 9 & 10 artworks has been installed upstairs in the Middle School building. This will be a space set aside to exhibit artworks on rotation. Currently displayed is some of the work created during our time of Continuous Online Learning. Below are a few images of some of these works with accompanying write-ups. These biographies are so insightful!
Mr Tom Gibbs
Charlotte Waldron –10P
This artwork explores the theme beauty. The concept of beauty is valued in society but God invites us to not worry about our body because God loves us no matter what. The bible verse "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" - Psalm 139:14 conveys this message. This portrays the idea that God will always invite us to perfect bodies but he doesn’t want us to worry about them because we are all made in a perfect image. Butterflies and flowers are there to show the theme beauty because many people associate this subject matter with beauty.
“Déjà Vu: Relapse”
Sophia Tran – 10P
From left to right, my artwork is a depiction of the seemingly endless cycle of humanity’s pursuit of perfection. We begin colourless, trying to climb towards that level of peace and security, in which we are in full colour and crying tears of joy. But we had only found ourselves in the eye of the storm; and we fall once more. Because we are human, we will never be perfect – but God is always there with us. He loves us despite our imperfections and we can shine our best through Him. In my artwork, He is depicted as the sun, constant and irreplaceable. Traffic lights, chaos and an overwhelming amount of colour create distractions, imitations of the sun, but they will never be a match for our God.
“Fallen Angel”
Chaz Zeng —Year 9
The perspective of freedom can be viewed from a vast amount of definitions, but it really depends on how you the person sees it. A faceless girl descending 327,000 feet down from space, with no reason to fear death, but to accept the fate of what she's about to receive. Desperately trying to seek this freedom, she loses her identity and gives up on life. Little does she know that the eternal fire burning in her soul still has faith in a high entity, which will help her grow these divine wings to discover this lost ambition. The bible speaks of this as "the truth, and the truth will set you free" John 8:32, the truth as in the word of the Lord is what freedom shall be in the heavens above. God has built the foundation to give us freedom, though there are many things on Earth that blinds us from this truth, and we’re given lies to sustain order in society. We must remember this “pretend freedom” is only finite, but heaven is eternal. Harmony is bound within the image, a set of wings are as the centrepiece or to bring emphasis to the flow of the mix of emotions.
“The Gown”
Kiriaki Katsigiannis – 10F
Throughout this area of study, I wanted to explore the theme ‘Fashion’. Fashion has always interested me ever since I was a child as I drew many sketches growing up. I believe fashion has the capability to connect people. The bible verse chosen to go along with my theme is 1 Peter 3:3-4 NIV. The verse states; ‘Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the waiting of gold jewellery or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. The subject matter is a large ball gown dress with many layers in the bottom skirt half. The top of the dress is formed by many detailed flowers which is strapless and with numerous ribbons flowing from top to bottom.
St Andrews Drama Department
Even though this pandemic has created some logistical struggles in the drama department, we have pushed through and gotten some great outcomes in the process. As the drama teachers say and have been encouraging us, “When things get tough, creative people get creative.”
When the school moved to continuous online learning it meant that many of the normal processes of doing drama rehearsals and performances got drastically adapted as it moved into a virtual setting.
As mentioned in the previous newsletter the Year 12 show went from being a live, in person performance to a new format of doing a live ‘Zoom’ show called ‘Digital Daisy’ after its original name ‘Daisy Pulls it Off.’ It was amazing to see that even in this unprecedented setting we were able to all pull together something that we were really proud of and enjoyed the process of it despite our hesitations to begin with.
The Year 10’s also ‘flexed’ their theatre muscles in their online musical ‘The show must go online.’ Which had them, as well as myself, film short scenes and then put them all together to create their show, creating a great and unique final product.
The school musical also had to move rehearsals online during this time, as we did Zoom rehearsals together. This was very different to what we usually do and adjusting was challenging at times but we all helped one another explore this new ‘uncharted territory’ together. The new setting created a great opportunity for all students to try something new and exciting and develop our performance skills in ways we may have never expected to!
As much as Zoom was a great experience, we were very excited to start up onsite rehearsals again which happened a couple of weeks ago and to be able to see everyone in person again! It is so encouraging to see how the drama department are all banding together during this unique time and are so supportive of one another. It’s hard to know exactly what’s going to happen in the future during these times but we know that if we trust in God it will all turn out good and for His purpose.
Becky Schenker,
Drama Captain
Careers Education
Year 10 is an exciting year and we offer our students a range of activities that help them develop new skills and knowledge.
Year10 Engage & Empower Careers Program: 15-18 September
- START SMART financial literacy workshops: Smart Choices, Earning, Saving, Spending, Investing and Enterprise
- VicRoads ROAD SMART PROGRAM AND METEC COURSE - a new education program that helps prepare our beginner drivers for a lifetime of safe driving. It includes interactive in-classroom sessions and a practical driving experience at Metropolitan Traffic Education Centre (METEC) Bayswater North.
To help our students increase their typing speed, we’ve included touch typing in Term 3 Yr. 10 Careers and Study Skills curriculum. Lessons include keyboard skills, posture, punctuation, speed and accuracy. Touch typing is a skill that our students will have for a lifetime and the benefits of learning keyboarding skills in today's digital world are endless.
The High School Cancer Masterclasses (HSCM) is an educational program that helps Yr. 10 students develop a foundational understanding of cancer.
There are 5 masterclasses in the 2020 program. Each masterclass runs for 90 minutes and covers a specific area of study from the ACHSC’s Cancer Syllabus. The Syllabus has been developed with help from leading University of Melbourne academics and mentors. Tutors are current high-achieving university students pursuing degrees in medicine or health science.
• Masterclass 1 - Basics of Cancer Biology (week of 20th July)
• Masterclass 2 - Causes of Cancer (week of 3rd August)
• Masterclass 3 - Cancer Prevention & Screening (week of 17th August)
• Masterclass 4 - Cancer Treatment (week of 31st August)
• Masterclass 5 - Cancer Project Planning & Development (week of 14th September)
All participating Year 10 students will receive the HSCM Student Notebook, a 50-page workbook containing explanations and questions to accompany the tutorials, as well as links to additional resources for students interested in learning more.
In this careers newsletter you will discover the latest news from our leading universities as well as other careers resources.
Mrs Irena Yevlahova
Careers Coordinator