Keep Informed

The Hub is coming!
We are excited to be building closer towards opening up St Andrews' very own parent portal which we have affectionately named The Hub.
This platform will allow you, as parents, to be able to see work which is due in your child(ren)’s classes as well as be a central place for all College news!
We are working in the background to get this platform ready for you to access. Please keep you eyes peeled and tails wagging just like Huey here for the launch date next Semester.
Term 3 Arrangements
All years from Prep to Year 12 will commence together at 9am from the 16th July, first day of Term 3.
Junior School (Prep to Year 4) will still finish their day at 3pm but all other years (Year 5 to Year 12) will finish at 3:30pm.
We will continue with our guidelines of hygiene (particularly that of hand sanitizing) and physical distancing where possible. No parents are allowed on College grounds until further notice.
We are prepared if there is an outbreak of COVID-19 within the College Community and want to continue to reassure you of our focus on keeping your children (and our staff) as safe as possible.
Catriona Wansbrough
Flexibuzz being discontinued
Dear Parents & Guardians,
In the last few days we have been notified that the communication app used by the College, Flexibuzz (previously called Tiqbiz), is being discontinued.
Therefore as of Term 3 2020, St Andrews will no longer use Flexibuzz for any notices or communication.We are currently in the process of developing our own school app, which will have connection to The Hub. Details of the launch of this app will be made in the near future.
From Term 3, St Andrews will continue to use email as the primary method of sending out notices and important communication.
If you are reporting an absence for your child, please do so by emailing
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call (03) 8847 8300.
Kind Regards,
Tim Farmilo
Deputy Principal
Navigating the New Normal
Learning to live with uncertainty is part of our world, now more than ever before.
Many find it challenging that many freedoms and opportunities that we enjoyed, and perhaps even took for granted, are not possible at this moment. While restrictions are slowly easing and we are seeing life looking more like it did before COVID-19, it’s still not quite the same. As a result, we may find ourselves experiencing a range of emotions: frustration, anxiety, fear or grief (just to name a few!). This can be rather unsettling.
What to do with unsettling feelings such as frustration, anxiety, fear or grief
- Acknowledge and allow your feelings.
- Remember that it’s okay (and pretty normal!) to feel these sorts of emotions in this unusual season.
- Psalm 116 connects with elements of our “new normal” – read it 😊
- Tell Him what you are feeling – He will listen! (Psalm 116:1)
- Redirect your thoughts to God; look to Him. (Psalm 116:4)
- Ask God for strength, peace and joy. (Psalm 116:8)
- Remember we can still choose to thank and praise God even in the midst of challenges; make a sacrifice of praise. (Psalm 116:17)
- Remind yourself that God is in control and unchanging; He is the certainty in the midst of uncertainty and rules Heaven, Earth and even pandemics! (Psalm 46:1, 1 Corinthians 15:27)
Some other tips
- Be kind – to others and to yourself.
- Look after yourself – eat well, get enough sleep and exercise.
- Think of things you enjoy that distract you from unsettling feelings.
- Think about which people are safe to talk to when you need a listening ear.
- Look after your friends and family – if they seem to be struggling, let them know that you care and offer your support.
Reaching out for more
- If it would help to talk to an adult at school, ask a staff member you know and trust, or see a member of the staff Wellbeing team (Mrs deMeester, Mr Grant, Mrs Cloete, Mrs Hughes) for a chat.
- If you are really struggling, there are lots of great resources around:
- Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 (for a call or online chat) – see poster in homerooms
- Call Kids Helpline or chat with them online – it’s there for people up to age 25
- “Anytime Any Reason” means they are ready to listen no matter how big or small the problem 24/7
- You can call to discuss what is going on for you, or even if you are worried about someone else
- Beyond Blue and Headspace (online chat or in person)
- Christian Counselling Services (eg. CityLife Community Care, Crossway Lifecare)
- Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 (for a call or online chat) – see poster in homerooms
- Turn to Psalms 46, 116, 121, 130, Philippians 4:6-7
Mrs Jo DeMeester
Wellbeing Co-ordinator