Teaching and Learning

The way we teach at Sandringham


At our Parent Expo recently members of our teaching and learning team spoke to parents about the strategies we have in place to ensure every student in this school has positive learning growth. We took the time to explain our instructional model which is an evidence-based structure we use in our classrooms to ensure best teaching practice. We call this our SAEPAR Instructional Model.


At the beginning of the class we Set the Goal. It is important that students are clear about the learning intention and success criteria of the class. We then Access Prior Learning which informs the teacher about students’ readiness to learn and activates student interest. The Explicit Instruction component of the class is where the teacher models the learning. The teacher will use a range of strategies to explicitly teach the skills such as annotated worked examples, graphic organisers, questioning.  Our lessons are structured using the Gradual Release of Responsibility , meaning as the lesson progresses the students assumes more responsibility in the learning process. The lesson moves to guided instruction where the teacher supports the student- there is an understanding that ‘we do it together’.  In the next part of the lesson the focus is Practice - You do it together’, so the responsibility shifts to students working collaboratively. Most often, groups will be mixed ability so students have a chance to learn with and from each other. The final stage of the instruction involves students working independently. The teacher will establish metacognitive learning activities to encourage students to manage their learning. In the Gradual Release of Responsibility this is termed ‘You do it alone’. At all stages in the lesson the teacher is differentiating and assessing learning – Assessment for Learning Recognition and Reflection. This model leaves nothing to chance. It is evidence based and ensures that teachers are using high impact teaching strategies and empowering students to learn.


Melinda Gall