Music News

Hi this is Janet and I teach cello for MVIMP.
We would love to get more students playing the cello in 2021.
Maybe you are thinking about playing an instrument, haven’t quite decided which one🤔 and think that it is too late?
The good news it's not too late to sign up for our great music programme and be involved in all it has to offer.🤗
At MPW we have a number of instruments in the storeroom that need playing! 🎻
We learn how to read music, play pieces to perform, get to join the school band and have heaps of fun!!! 😜
If you would like to find out more about learning this great instrument please contact
Sandra Monaghan in the school office.
We have made a great start to Soundgarage for 2021 and are very excited to now open up enrolments for Term 2.
If you have a child interested in learning Keyboard, Guitar or SAP (Singing and Performance) in Term 2 then please fill out the enrolment form which you can find online at the Moonee Ponds West P.S website or from the front office and return it to school.
For all questions please feel free to contact Maddie at or 0401 844 522.