Principal's Report

Greetings families, staff and students of Moonee Ponds West PS,
This is our NAPLAN week! Another assessment tool that gives evidence to the learning journey of your child. It is important to remember that this is a snapshot in time and under differing classroom conditions. As teachers we understand that there is a genre of ‘test taking’ and the teachers have been provided some information about this to ensure that all children have the best opportunity to do their best. Having to be involved in different learning conditions reflects life experiences. So good sleep, (always important) good food or fuel, and a ‘growth' mindset will assist in children doing their best. Giving effort and trying hard are always the best outcomes. Good luck to our year 3 and 5 students.
Lost Clothing
Did you know that last week we had three days when not a piece of clothing was left on the oval? On Friday I even had a child retrieve their jumper from me! I am so proud and pleased that children were taking responsibility for their personal items. As you would know we donate to charity many $$ of clothing at the end of each term. So, families keep up the expectation that your child/children will be able to look after their personal items.
We have two Education Support Staff who sort through and return the NAMED items to the class teacher, so there is a cycle of returning.
On days when the weather is fine, the Lost Property items will be wheeled out to the area just outside the main entry to the General Office. Have a look at the end of the day if you are able. Your child’s clothing is best at your home!
Second-hand Clothing Sale
On the first assembly where children will come to the Gym (date to be communicated) we will have second-hand uniform items available. These are items of good quality and recommended for a change especially when the weather is wet. A COMPASS push will indicate when this will occur so look for the information if you are interested.
The Zones of Regulation
The Zones are a known strategy to provide students of all ages with a way of managing their emotions. Over the past week I have been trialling a Zones tracking sheet in one of the 3/4 classes. Last week the students were indicating their zone after each session. I am pleased to report that many of the children in the class (90%) reported that each day they were in the Green Zone (that is ready to learn). Those who were not, were in the yellow or blue zones, and were able to use their identified strategies to return to the green zone. Being able to manage your emotions and regulate is an important wellbeing skill that we can teach students whilst here in this trusted environment. I mention this structure for you to perhaps prompt the discussion at home.
Bike Ed for the 3/4 classes
The Ride2School organisation will be running this day for our students in the middle school years 3 and 4. The day will involve learning about bike maintenance, helmet checking, essential road rules for safe riding and some riding drills. Each class will have an hour of instruction. Don’t have a bike? No problem if you indicate we will have some spare bikes provided by Ride2school for your child’s use. Having a chance for your child to understand bike riding safety is a life saving skill. All children will be involved and we can teach children to ride during these sessions as well, so there is no problem if your child can’t ride just yet!
Continuous Reporting
Have you been onto COMPASS and into the LEARNING section to see examples of your child’s learning so far this Semester? Samples of writing, number and reading achievement are uploaded on a regular basis. As well as the samples of learning. There is a PROGRESSIVE report that gives you feedback on your child’s behaviour in class and effort towards their learning. For me as a parent the progressive report is the one where the most discussion can occur. Giving effort is the key to success. We all know this, and our processes support how important giving effort is for learning success. Haven’t logged onto COMPASS in a while? No problem, the General Office can reset your password so you can participate in your child’s learning. Participation is just a phone call away!
Curriculum Day June 4th
Our third Curriculum Day will focus on improving the complexity of our students writing. We will be working with a consultant from Canberra who will assist us in building our instruction of writing to a more complex level. Ms Misty Ardoniou (ably supported by our Learning Specialist Kim Simmons) will use quality literature to demonstrate how to build student knowledge around grammatical structures and word choice. I spoke about this valuable opportunity at Education Committee last time we met. It was recommended that a summary of the main ideas from this day be communicated to the community so that families can support and encourage this work. We will place this summary in the Education section of the newsletter after the day.
Camp Australia will be offering Curriculum Day care for those who require this service. No Students on June 4.
Our Camping Program
The Senior school (years 5/6) have returned from a very successful experience at Camp Kookaburra in Echuca. The weather over the Great Dividing Range was perfect and enabled days of fun filled activity. It was pleasing to see the return of this experience after last year. On each camp, the children were excellent and on many occasions members of the general public remarked on the wonderful manners and general friendliness of the children. Well done to all.
Student Dress Code Focus group
It is part of our policy cycle to review the Student Dress Code (some schools call it Uniform Policy) which in our case includes our Sunsmart policy. Going forward the Sunsmart policy should sit apart, as this is an important part of Student Wellbeing. Further information about the Focus Group is in the Education Section of this newsletter. Please note the timeline for consultation on this policy. It should also be noted that the decisions around Student Dress Code are the responsibility of the School Council. Voting by groups within the community is not part of the recommended process. Please become involved in the various avenues for comment. The direction from Education Committee is that the timeline has a recommendation to School Council by the end of Term 2 2021.
This process can also provide a time for reviewing the existing uniform items to make them more current and appealing. The Focus group can gain your opinion on this as well. Review and re-adjustment of policies occurs regularly to reflect changing demographics and educational trends.
A Bird Bath for Jack’s Paddock (in two parts here!)
We have a 1960’s Bird Bath for Jack’s Paddock. It was to be removed to the dumper when it was spied and retrieved. The top has children helping each other; perfect message for our school. At a future Working Bee we will install this in a suitable place. Thank-you to the students who wrote to me requesting a bird bath for our wild life. Your wish has come true.
Well that’s about it from me. Until we meet in person.
Yours sincerely
Kerri Simpson