Deputy Principal

Katie Vranken

Carpark Safety

A reminder that when parking in the SPA Centre Car Park, parents are to walk up to collect their children.  When returning to your car, please ensure the safety of your children by having them walk with you or alternatively hold their hand.


When using the kiss and drop or collecting your children in the afternoon through the driveway, please ensure that you do not overtake other cars who are in the roundabout. this ensures that children are safe.  The cones are to assist you in not overtaking and having a zone of safety for all occupants of cars.  Please encourage your children to wait until you and the other car behind have completely come to a stop before getting into the car.  When using the driveway in the morning, please pull up as close to the staff room as you can to allow other parents to access the roundabout or the last bollard in the afternoon. 


A reminder that after the big bus, the chain will go across the driveway due to huff and puff activities.  If you arrive after this time, please drop your children in the SPA Centre car park.  If you are first in the pickup line in the afternoon, please remove the chain across the driveway near the parish car park and proceed at walking pace to the pickup zone after the buses have departed.



PSG meetings

Due to my upcoming Long Service Leave, PSG meetings for students on NCCD will need to commence in week 7  and will be held on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd August.  This will be for any student who has recently come on to NCCD and those who are invited to attend.  All other PSG meetings will be scheduled for Term 4 where we will sign off on goals.  If you would like to have a discussion about the current goals for your child, please contact your child's teacher if you are not scheduled for a PSG meeting.  Emails and times will be sent out shortly.