Library News 

Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book Week

Book Week is coming soon - 19th to 25th August!

Our school is excited about books and celebrating Australian authors and illustrators.


There will be a 2nd-hand book sale and fun activities on at lunchtime in the library on Thursday 24th August to celebrate.  Bring in a few coins to buy some books if you would like to.  Also, if you have any primary-aged appropriate books you would like to donate to the sale, please send them in to school over the next week.  Thank you.  


Our famous book-themed dress up parade will be on Wednesday 23rd August, which is a great reason to read the following book.  



"There's No Such Book" by Jessica Dettmann was illustrated by Jake A. Minton, and has been shortlisted for an award for the illustrations.  It is a bright and vibrant story about a mother and daughter trying to find the right book to match their available dress ups for book week. A fun story for any age group.





Another great book that is shortlisted for an award for Book of the Year for Younger Readers is "The Way of Dog" by Zana Fraillon.  This is one for the dog lovers, a story of survival for Scruffity, a pup who was born into the harsh grey world of a puppy farm.  He is rescued and set free, then having to learn "The Way of Dog", which is to run, to dig, to howl and best of all, to love.  This book is best suited for readers aged 10 and up.



Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge (VPRC)

A big CONGRATULATIONS to Annabelle Lawrie from Year 4, who has completed her VPRC.  Well done reading and recording all your books on the website.  You will receive your certificate in Term 4!  

Remember, the challenge runs until 8th September, which isn't that far away, so don't forget to add all your books to your list, marking them as "finished" when you have completed reading them.

Scholastic Book Club

The new brochure for the Scholastic Book Club is coming home soon.  There are spare copies in the office foyer if needed.  Please order online

or return paper orders by Wednesday 30th July, so we can get the books back to you before the end of term.  Thank you.