COVID Update

Thank you to all of our families who had promptly picked up the newly arrived rapid antigen tests, it is greatly appreciated. Fingers crossed, that by this time next week we will enter a new light phase of restrictions where the administering of rapid antigen tests twice a week will cease to exist. I have to admit that we have been very lucky in regards to other schools, where some of my principal colleagues in the diocese as well as the public system have told me that they have experienced major disruptions with staff shortages as well as a large number of their students being forced to stay at home due to being a close contact and/or contracting COVID. We are definitely not out of the woods yet and our prayers go out to anyone in the local community who are affected by this virus in some way.


Any student or staff member who is unwell and/or displays symptoms of COVID-19 must be asked to go home and stay there until they can complete a RAT or PCR test. If a student or staff member displays even mild COVID-19 symptoms, they must take a RAT or get a PCR test and isolate until they receive a negative test result. Students must not come to school until they are symptom free, even if they get a negative RAT result. If unfortunately, your child has contacted the virus, please contact the school immediately.


A copy of the COVID Update To Parents from the Catholic Schools that was sent out at the beginning of the school year is included below. Hopefully in just over a week's time, a lot of these restrictions will be lifted so we can have some form of normality.