Secondary 9/10

A Message From the Secondary 9/10 Team
Our brief time back on site in Term 3 allowed our team to reconnect and re-establish relationships after remote and flexible learning throughout Term 2. The students and teachers quickly found momentum and were all engaged in the hum on the classroom.
With the return to remote and flexible learning during the term our students continued to shine. The team and I were thrilled to see how quickly the Secondary 9/10 students adapted back to life online and were able to produce some amazing work.
The introduction of class meetings each morning allowed teachers and students to successfully set up for the day ahead. Seeing everyone’s face was a great connection to start the day. Classes got the chance to play games, check in with their teacher and see their peers which meant each day started with more smiles.
Our Literacy focuses varied from texts that explain, to texts that entertain and each piece was completed to our student’s best ability. Using digital technology to support our composing and research resulted in some outstanding pieces.
Lots and lots of Numeracy was completed this term. Teacher groups saw students working hard via WebEx using online whiteboard tools, online games and a variety of other platforms to show their thinking.
It was great to see how many students completed different life skill tasks during lockdown. Helping out about their homes, making treats and supporting parents and carers.
The team and I are ecstatic to get everyone back for Term 4. We have been working hard at planning some exciting learning. Four of our classrooms have been all set up in the new building and are itching to have kids come and occupy the beautiful spaces.
Rest up over the holidays, stay safe and see you soon.
Jane Black Team Leader
and the Secondary 9/10 Team