The GREEN Page

Sustainability - Community - Action


A few days ago, Tristan in Junior Jackson surprised me by bringing some special home grown tomatoes to school that started out as seeds on a Father's Day card last year. Tristan and his grandfather looked after the seeds and planted them into the ground. The tomatoes grew into seedlings and with regular water, good soil and sunlight, they developed into fully grown plants with good sized tomatoes. Students in the cooking room have appreciated trying the tomatoes. They were delicious!

Thank you to Tristan and poppy. 






Results of our Biodiversity audit last week were fantastic. in 2021, we were given a Biodiversity score of 69 out of 100. This year we improved our score with 76 out of 100. 

 Pathways students discussed future actions to help improve our habitat areas. Future actions recorded include: Introducing more native plants, insect hotels and/or nesting boxes, adding rocks and logs for lizards and native wildlife, adding water containers for birds and lizards and rejuvenating the frog bog. 



Congratulations to Junior Terri who put in a huge effort to clean up our school grounds during Naranga Clean up day. 

Well done Junior Terri!
Well done Junior Terri!




Great job from our Lower Junior classes : Junior Malcolm, Terri and Gray who thoroughly cleaned our school grounds of rubbish and sorted the rubbish into plastics, food wrappers, paper and food scraps. 

Next week at the assembly we will announce the winners of the poster competition.