Awards Cermony




The annual Awards Ceremony for 2020 will be held throughout the day on Tuesday 15th December in the Year 12 VCE Centre at Rosehill Secondary College.  Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to hold the Awards Ceremony at our usual venue.

As the culture of our College has evolved to reflect our academic focus and commitment to excellence, the Awards Ceremony provides the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate student achievement.


Awards for academic excellence are presented for each of the Key Learning Areas at Years 7-11 and for each Year 12 subject studied at the College. A number of special awards are also presented throughout the ceremony including: Year Level Dux Awards; ‘Optima Semper’, Best Always Awards; ADF Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Awards; Caltex Best All Rounder Award; Community Award; Excellence in Science Award; Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program Recipients and Student Encouragement Awards.


The Rosehill Secondary College Community gratefully acknowledges the sponsorship provided by the following organisations and individuals:  Artelier Art Supplies; Australian Defence Force; Coughlan Motors, Essendon; Caltex; Cavalier Art Supplies; Insight Publications; Pennisi Real Estate, Essendon and Sunbury Coaches.


Please contact Ms Gladys Mora, Awards Ceremony Coordinator on 9337 2488, for further information about the annual Awards Ceremony.