Fundraising Events
Christmas Raffle
Don't miss out on being part of our final fundraising effort for the year. The prizes on offer are fantastic. Sold your tickets already, there are more tickets available from the office?
A reminder to all to return your raffle tickets to the office by 12.00pm Friday 16th to be in it!
Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall
We have now finalised our expenses for the Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall and are very pleased to announce that we were able to raise $2744.39.
Thank you to our community for your support.
The JSC Colour Fun
On Friday 9th December the JSC led Colour Fun Run Fundraiser concluded with the Fun Run held at Maribyrnong Park. It was a wonderful colour and fun filled event that raised $3522.01 for MPW! The fantastic fundraising of efforts our students also allowed for 54 trees and 249 coral to be planted on their behalf.
What a fantastic effort, congratulations to all our students.