Classroom News/Gallery 

Year 5/6 Canberra Excursion

Families are reminded that the first instalment and consent for the Canberra excursion is due next Thursday 31st March.  Thank you, to the families who have consented on Compass and have arranged the first instalment.

For families who have chosen to pay instalments through Compass, your first instalment is due to be taken from your nominated bank account on Thursday 31st March 2022, please ensure you have sufficient funds in your account.


Kindergarten - Learning about positions

Well it's no surprise to anyone that Kindergarten are perfectly behaved. However we have a fox in our classroom who will NOT do as he is told and uses 'paddock words' in the classroom! ( I know - UNBELIEVABLE )

In trying to rectify his behaviour Kindergarten have used their knowledge of position to socialise the fox.

He was put 'on' the shelf, 'behind' the door and 'inside' the bin!

In the end we had no choice but to send him to 'sit on' a chair inside Mr Hyatt's office.

Lets hope he has learned his lesson.





Year 5/6 Happy Healthy Harold Visit





Contacting Your Child's Teacher

Teachers welcome contact from parents, if you would like to talk with staff please either contact the class teacher by phoning the school – 67772328 or email the school on