Education News 

Cybersafety Parent Information Session

We are hoping to secure Susan McLean to

run a parent information session with our community. Susan McLean is in high demand and well-regarded as an expert in Cybersafety. 


Why should you attend???

  • To be well informed regarding risks and advice for your child's use of online technology
  • To be aware of what your child may be exposed to online (at home or at a friend's house)
  • You may feel that you are already on top of this subject, but you will walk away knowing things that you were not aware of or not yet considered.

We are seeking expressions of interest to hold the session as facilitating the information session with Susan McLean incurs a significant cost to the school.

Can you please indicate your interest via the link below?


Behaviour Leadership Professional Learning

Staff recently engaged in professional learning sessions led by education consultant Dr Bill Rogers.  Bill works widely across all education sectors on classroom behaviour management (framed as behaviour leadership), and his work is known especially for his commitment to a skills-based approach to whole school behaviour management for the development and maintenance of positive behaviours within a rights, responsibility and rules focus.  A key takeaway is the use of calm, corrective language to raise behavioural awareness and promote ownership of behaviours.  Staff will continue to explore this work as part of MPWPS’s approach to student wellbeing and engagement.

We look forward to sharing examples of this work and some of the approaches and strategies we will be using for student wellbeing through upcoming newsletters.

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

Respectful Relationships is an initiative to support schools and early childhood education settings to promote and model respect and equality across the entire school community, and is a core component of the Victorian Curriculum. It supports educators to teach our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence. Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships is a suite of teaching and learning materials for Foundation to Year 12 that is utilised at Moonee Ponds West Primary School to support the implementation of Respectful Relationships. These age-appropriate resources support curriculum delivery and include lesson plans and activities that help students learn and practice social skills and apply them in a positive way to learning, life and relationships. 


The materials cover social and emotional learning topics, including: Emotional Literacy, Personal Strengths, Positive Coping, Problem Solving, Stress Management, Help Seeking and Positive Gender Relations. 


What is Emotional Literacy? 

Emotional literacy can be defined as the ability to understand ourselves and other people. It includes the ability to understand, express and manage our own emotions, build empathy, and to respond appropriately to the emotions of others. Parents can support children to develop emotional literacy by modelling the identification of emotions and encouraging children to express how they feel in constructive ways, whether the emotion is positive or negative. Supporting students to know that all people experience emotions, both positive and negative is also a key in developing emotional literacy. Building a large vocabulary for emotions helps to increase emotional literacy and build self-awareness and empathy for others.


Information about each social and emotional learning topic will be included in future newsletters.  Information for parents about the Respectful Relationships initiative is available at