School News

Family Information Paperwork

A package will be sent home with the children next week. The paperwork contains very important information, annual Update Details, Media Permission & IT Code of Conduct. The notes need to be signed and any changes to details made, then return to school by Monday 17th February.

We ask that you take time to go through the contents carefully and update information as required and complete and return forms/notes promptly.  Please return this paperwork whether you have any changes or not by the 17th.

Contacting Your Child's Teacher

Teachers welcome contact from parents, if you need to talk with staff please either contact the class teacher by phoning the school – 67772328 or email the school on

Book Covering

Classroom teachers are sending home student workbooks for covering. Books will be sent home on a Friday & need to be returned on the Monday please. Thank you!


HOMEWORK will begin in Week 3 for Year 1-6  students.

All students will have a Homework Book (Excel English & Mathematics) where the students will complete one unit a week. Teachers will also send home spelling and reading homework.

Term 1

Week 3 = Unit 1,

Week 4 = Unit 2,

Week 5 = Unit 3,

Week 6 = Unit 4,

Week 7 = Unit 5,

Week 8 = Unit 6,

Week 9 = Unit 7,

Week 10 = Test 1

Week 11 = Homework free week!


WWCC - it is a requirement that ALL PEOPLE (incuding parents) who spend time working with children and working in the canteen provide to the school one of the following:

Working With Children Check - on line application - lasts five years - this is the preferred option.

Working With Children Declaration - form available at the office - valid for one year - requires one hundred points of identification (we need original or certified copy of documents).

Visitors to the School

ALL VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL are required to complete the Sign In sheet at the front office. This is a Child Protection Requirement.

This includes parents who enter the school grounds for ANY PURPOSE.

Parents & visitors are required to enter the school grounds via the front office. 

We appreciate the support of the parent body in this matter to ensure we are compliant  with school requirements.

Student Absence

Please notify the school if your child is absent.  

You can do this in the following three ways ....

1.  Telephone the school office staff (office hours 8:30am to 3:30pm).

2.  Email the school office staff (

3.  Send through a written note with the reason & date of the absentee.

Supervision of Student Before School

Supervision of students does not begin until 8.30am each day. If students arrive before 8:30am they are come into the COLA area and sit on a seat until the teacher is on duty at 8:30am.

Afternoon Process

Students are dismissed from class at 2:55pm and assemble in the COLA area for messages & dismissal. Students are dismissed at 3pm.

Buses are loaded at 3pm, pickups are taken to the front gate at St Patrick's Church, walkers are seen across  Apsley Street.

Students Arriving Late or Leaving School Early

PLEASE NOTE that all students arriving late, or being collected early for an appointment, MUST REPORT to Mrs Pittman at the Office to be signed in or out by a parent /guardian.

School Fees

The first account for 2020 School Fees were posted home last Thursday. The first payment for 2020 is due by 31st March.

School fees are essential in providing a high quality Catholic education for students. For example they:

-Provide essential resources, materials, facilities and equipment. Many resources need to be replenished and upgraded annually.

-Provide for additional teaching, administration, cleaning and ground staff.

-Used for the maintenance and development of buildings, grounds and  equipment. 

-Pays for essential utilities (water, electricity) and insurance.

 -IT resources.

 All of which are only possible  because of school fee payments.  I sincerely appreciate your support with  payment of your school fees.