Principal's report
Dear Parents, Carers,Staff and Students
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Week 5 - Remote Learning
Week 5 in this funny term of Remote Learning. I use the term Remote Learning as it is quite different from Home Schooling and I think it is important to note the difference.
In Home Schooling the parent is registered as the education provider, and they provide the program for the child. This requires moving from the ‘guide at the side’ to the giver of instruction and correction. Remote Learning however, asks the parent to help facilitate the learning program designed and planned by the teacher. At MPWPS (as mentioned previously) we are providing a balanced program of learning, support and wellbeing. Our Remote Learning structure is supported by the research carried out by Deakin University into the most effective pedagogy for learning in this way. Learning must be sustainable and manageable at home and at school. The Department's guide for primary education at this time is 60 minutes of reading/writing together, 30 minutes of mathematics and 90 minutes for all other content areas. Our daily check-ins with the teacher and the small group contact each day is gaining traction, and we can see the confidence of the children growing. The online space is challenging there is no doubt about that. It is intellectually draining and the cognitive load for children more intense than the classroom. However, having said that I have noticed that many children are flourishing in this environment, and are having the space and time to really ‘tune in’ to their learning.
Monday Assemblies
Our Monday Assemblies (thanks Barb for the hours this takes to put together) has showcased some of the projects children have been able to complete whilst at home. This week’s assembly showcased a student from the Junior school making a lava lamp, and another following a procedure from an EPIC text to construct a lolly dispenser! The explanation and delivery of the ‘how to’ of these tasks was I think extraordinary and shows what children can do when they have voice in their learning. How about the Sports Report that showed BMX bandits at the bike track? Another example of our students exploring learning differently. I mention these few examples to illustrate that during this time the learning is different, and more global if you like. All these situations build the complete learner with stronger learning confidence and in the end strong achievement. If your child is slow to come to the task, and in showing motivation to complete what is set, step back and ask what they might want to learn about, and speak to your teacher they are your best support.
Remote learning will provide us with opportunities that we must continue into the classroom when school fully returns. I am confident we will be better teachers, and our students better learners as a result of this collective experience.
Doctor David Collins, is a wonderful friend and support to MPWPS and has shared with me a couple of websites that could be helpful during this time at home. I am including them and encourage you to have a look for your child and home situation.
Here is one of Braingrow’s parent videos.
It is important to look after the community in these times.
Returning to school
This morning the Premier and the State Education Minister outlined the plan for returning students to classroom instruction. The plan starts with a Curriculum Day on Monday May 25th with students in Foundation to 2 returning on May 26th. In order for adults to maintain social distancing, the following arrangements will be in place until the 9th of June.
- Students in F-1 classrooms are to enter and exit via the Lennox Street gates
- Students in 1-2 classrooms are to enter and exit via the Eglinton Street gates
- Students who are in other year levels who have been attending this Term are to enter and exit via the Athol Street entrance and go to the Gym
- Parents are to wait outside the gates whilst maintaining social distancing.
As you will have read the school is to be cleaned during the day. This came into operation in the last week of Term 1 and in the weeks of this term. There has been regular cleaning of tables, door handles and entry points. We have plenty of personal protective equipment for staff which is reassuring. I will continue to update you as I receive information. COMPASS emails will be the usual way. Not long now until we see the children. We will be continuing with the Remote Learning until Friday May 22 for F-2 and continuing with Remote Learning for the middle and senior classes (3-6) until June 9th when we welcome these students to classroom learning. Entering and exiting will be communicated closer to this date.
Please see find attached correspondence sent out today via Compass.
Enrolments for 2021
You may have noticed we have our Kindergarten to Foundation enrolment boards up. We have been developing a ‘virtual’ tour and this will be uploaded to the website in the next week. It is an introductory picture of the school. In early Term 3 we will hold an Information Day and Evening for prospective parents. The date and times (once we know more about the return to school) will be communicated via the Kindergartens and through our Website. If you have friends that are seeking to enrol at MPWPS they should contact the General Office for an enrolment package. We have some places for students outside our boundary in 2021.
Well that’s about it from me.
Sincerely and in good faith
Kerri Simpson