Be Safe | Wil Sleeth | For always following our school expectations. He is always looking after his peers, sharing and caring. He walks safely to any destination and always packs up his equipment. You’re an absolute champion. |
Be Respectful | Coby Carr-Solway | For the amazing way he speaks to staff in the classroom and outside. He tries hard to be considerate of other students and school and student belongings. Well done Coby! |
Be Responsible | Hunter Gazzard | For showing improvement and growth in the ways that he can be responsible in the classroom, responsible in our outings and responsible in the yard. Well Done Hunter! |
Be a Learner | Ryder Vanderdonk | Ryder comes early to school each day eager to learn, listen and participate. He is building his confidence to try new things and persists in the face of a challenging task. We are proud of you Ryder, keep it up! |
Specialist | Music Therapy Logan Van Taarling Art Ashton Lay | Music Therapy - Logan Van Taarling Logan comes to Music Therapy with a positive and enthusiastic attitude. He has worked with many instruments including the drum kit which he has played with energy. Well done on a great term in music therapy! Art - Ashton has been participating in all activities with a different mindset. Ashton is now open to changing parts of his art if he is not happy with it, instead of completely restarting. He demonstrates all four VRS expectations when he comes to Art. Well done Ashton! |
Kiwanis ‘Terrific Kid’ Award | Mia Scott | Mia comes to school everyday eager to learn and participates to the best of her ability in all areas of her learning. She is keen to try new things and challenge herself. Mia is a wonderful addition to our school community. Congratulations Mia! |