

Cyber Safety

Over the last two weeks, students have participated in the 'Every Term, Every Student' cyber safety program presented by 'Inform & Empower'. Students joined a live online session to continue their learning around online safety. 


This term, our learning focused on:

💻 usernames and passwords, keeping information private and our digitial footprint in Prep-Year 2.

💻 cyberbullying, the power of an upstander and navigating uncomfortable situations in Year 3-6


Click below for parents and carers tips.



It is with great excitement that we announce that our school has finally been registered on the Premier’s Reading Challenge. There have been a few hiccups with loading our data and PRC tech support had to start the process from the beginning. It has been a lengthy one. Unique logins and passwords will be given to the children tomorrow (Wednesday 19/7). If your child has not registered interest and would like to participate in the Premiers Reading Challenge please contact Fiona at fehmer@sjnorthcote.catholic.edu.au.