Grandparents Mass

On Sunday 24th July, the Middle classes hosted our Parish Mass celebrating our wonderful Grandparents. 


Some people we call grandparents because they are our parents' parents — they are blood relations. Some people we call elders, and some we call Special Friends. Our endearment for all these people is because of the compassion, concern, wisdom, and generosity that they demonstrate toward us.   We pay tribute to our older generation. Our Grandparents, special friends and elders of our community are our greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, the greatest storytellers, the keepers of traditions that linger on in cherished memory, the ones who give us hope and inspire us to be hopeful and the primary source of our recent histories.


Their very special love sets them apart. Through happiness and sorrow, through their special love and care, they keep us close at heart. They inspire us and encourage us to learn as much as we can and to be hopeful as we learn. 


It was so lovely to see the Church full of our school families and their special guests, their Grandparents.  Special thanks must go to Millie Floyd, Sansa Barker and Stella Cerantola for volunteering to read the Prayers of the Faithful, well done ladies, congratulations on a job well done.  I would also like to thank the Staff of Saint Joseph's who once again gave so generously of their time. 



Grandparents Mass was also a very special occasion for one of our younger students. Indigo FLOYD (Prep) was baptised in this Mass. It was with great excitment that we shared such very special day with Indigo, her family and her Godparents. We welcome you and send all of our special blessings to you Indigo. CONGRATULATIONS!





Saint Joseph's Spirit of Social Justice at Work


As you may recall, at the end of Term 2 we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass. As a lead up to this celebration the SRC had coordinated donations of blankets and groceries to be distributed to our local community who may be in need. 


We welcomed  representatives from both Saint Vincent De Paul and from Merri Outreach Support Services who gladly accepted all of the goodies that had been collected. They both were amazed at the generosity of our community and our children's sense of Social Justice. Well done everyone.


“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”  Mt 25:40



TERM 3 11th July - 16th September

15th AugustSaint Josephs: Feast of the Assumption 9.15am Whole School Mass
28th August Saint Josephs: Father’s Day Mass - Seniors
6th SeptemberSaint Josephs:  Senior Year Level Mass


Religious Education at Saint Joseph’s 

We are a Catholic School that models Religious Education lessons around the teachings of the Gospel where we are all encouraged to be the best person that we can be. We promote curiosity and wonder when exploring themes of Social Justice and we approach this learning using an Inquiry method based on the Pedagogy of Encounter. We explore other religions in the context of the Christian faith and encourage tolerance and acceptance of all people and all religious denominations. 


Sacrament Dates - Seniors  

                TERM 4            3rd October - 20th December

25th October Saint Josephs: Faith Formation Night : Confirmation
28th October Saint Josephs: Reconciliation Paraliturgy for Confirmation Children 10am
4th NovemberSaint Josephs: Bishop Terry’s visiting Saint Joseph’s 10am
5th NovemberSaint Josephs: Sacrament of Confirmation 3pm