Music News

Good luck to the senior choir students participating in the 2019 Victorian Spectacular this weekend.

2019 Senior Choir

The Wind in the Willows

In 2019 the MPW senior choir will continue to explore many of the elements within the performing arts. Our goal is to enable the students to participate in and bring together the many facets of the arts such as music, singing, acting, dancing and behind the scenes roles.


This year we will be performing our version of ‘The Wind in the Willows,’ written by Kenneth Grahame. The story combines a number of themes: countryside life, transport, justice, friendship and home. In addition, The Wind in the Willows is one of the most famous examples of anthropomorphism, enabling our students to explore human characteristics, such as ambitions, emotions and behaviour and help develop personal connections to their characters. The themes and personifications will be discussed as we work through each scene, characterisation and the interpretation of the songs and choreography.

The process of rehearsing and performing spoken and sung dialogue helps to develop language skills and provides a platform for students to take positive risks and build self-confidence. Everyone will be involved and have an integral role to play (big or small) to present this year’s musical. The process of being in a show provides the opportunity for every student to develops life skills such as responsibility, collaboration, respect, self-confidence & co-operation.


The best part is…It’s fun

If anyone would like to assist in some way with the production please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Kate Ridgeway