Middle Years News


Room 15 has been very happy to be back at school. This will be a very busy term for us. We are looking forward to our excursion to Peter and the Wolf next week  and swimming lessons starting in Week 4 for four weeks. This fortnight we have participated in science experiments, specialist classes, kitchen garden and most importantly lots of learning and fun. 


Middle Years Sub School News

Middle years have been having a fantastic start to Term 2. Our students have been busy in science using oil, milk/water and food dye to print on paper. Students have noticed that the oil doesn’t mix into the milk or water and that you end up with blobs. They have been able to mix the colour into the water. 


Some of the rooms made Anzac biscuits, slice, wreaths and learnt about why we celebrate ANZAC day. Room 17 made a delicious Anzac slice. In the garden, they learnt about the importance of the herb rosemary and how it is used as a symbol to remember ANZAC day. 

Out in the playground the students have noticed the change in weather as it is getting colder and the leaves have been falling off the trees in the playground. This has been a great sensory activity for some of our students as they have been playing with the leaves. Josh and Natalie made a huge pile of leaves to jump in. Some of the secondary students also joined in to jump in the pile of leaves. 


Our students have also been looking at ways to incorporate movement breaks around the school. Students have been enjoying the use of the trampolines, swings, bikes, play equipment and sand pit. We are looking to organise more equipment for student use out in the playground.