Primary News

Room 6

Room 6 has had a good start to Term 2. 

We are having lots of birthday parties, doing reading, writing, maths and sensory time. We are also working in our split groups and looking after self, looking after others and looking after property. By Asiya, Atakan and Shayan.

Primary Sub School News

Term 2 has arrived! 

It is great to see our students returning to school after the holidays with such happiness and excitement.


Towards the end of last term, families would have received via email, your child’s Personal Learning and Support Plan which identifies specific goals for attainment over the coming months at school. Keeping these goals in mind and using the Victorian Curriculum as a guide, teachers design and teach lessons consisting of a range of motivating and creative activities to promote student participation and learning. 


It has been harvest time in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden and students have been busy harvesting and tasting a range of produce including capsicums, lettuce, egg plants and corn. Students have been helping to clear old crops which have been recycled and used to build scarecrows! The senior students have done a great job using their carpentry skills to construct the frames for the scarecrows.  Classroom groups have been working together to collect and re-use old clothes to design and create a unique and imaginative scarecrow to display. A great team effort!!