Undertaking accelerated studies in Year 11

Acceleration in the VCE 


Acceleration in the VCE refers to students undertaking a VCE study a year earlier than normal. Taking a Unit 3 and 4 Study in Year 11 is only an option for students who have demonstrated strong academic ability across all their subjects. 


Students wishing to apply to undertake a Units 3 and 4 study in Year 11 must carefully consider their current and past academic strengths and weaknesses. Undertaking a VCE study early requires commitment not only to this study but also all studies undertaken. Students in Year 11 who are undertaking a Unit 3 and 4 sequence must ensure that their Unit 1 and 2 studies are not neglected. These foundation studies are essential for a successful Year 12. Such a decision should not be taken lightly.  It is important to note that successful completion of a Unit 3 and 4 sequence in Year 11 is not acceptable grounds for a student to request fewer studies in Year 12.


The following Accelerated Studies are available to Year 11 VCE students in 2025:

Accelerated Studies available to Year 11 students

  • Biology Units 3 and 4
  • General Mathematics Units 3 and 4
  • Business Management Units 3 and 4 
  • Food and Technology Units 3 and 4 
  • Health and Human Development Units 3 and 4 
  • Computing Units 3 and 4 
  • Legal Studies Units 3 and 4
  • Psychology Units 3 and 4 
  • Religion and Society Units 3 and 4
  • Visual Art Subjects in consultation with Domain Leader


The Selection Criteria:

The following criteria will be used to assess an application for an Accelerated Study: 

  • Consistently high level of commitment and persistent effort across a range of subject areas (B+ grades or higher in all assessment tasks). 
  • Attainment of Staine 6 or above in PATm and PATr testing.
  • Demonstrated ability to write clear, coherent, well structured responses. 
  • Demonstrated ability to analyse and synthesise information. 
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a mature and co-operative manner. 
  • Able to cope with the demands of the accelerated study. 
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently, complete work reliably and submit punctually. 
  • Demonstrated ability to evaluate own learning and willingness to seek teacher assistance when appropriate. 
  • No intended period of extended absence for family travel, which could impact on the 90% attendance requirement required for satisfactory completion. 


The Application Process

  • The student completes the ‘Application for Acceleration in the VCE’.
  • The application is submitted with the Course Selection Form.
  • Applications are considered by the relevant Learning Domain Leader. Subject teachers will provide advice to the Domain Leader on request. Other information, such as NAPLAN data and Career wise data, will be reviewed in this process.

NOTE: The Pathways Selection Program is aligned with the College reporting system.  Where students have not achieved B+ grades or higher in all assessment tasks, the Program will not enable them to select the accelerated option.