Planning your pathways in the senior years

Next year you will be commencing the final two years of your secondary schooling. You will be completing either VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) or VCE-VM (Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major). You may also be studying a VET (Vocational Education and Training) subject.


You need to start thinking about the pathways you can take over the next two years to achieve your goals. We encourage you to discuss your choices with your teachers and the Careers and Pathways Co-ordinator. You should also discuss your proposed pathways with your families.


We have prepared this booklet to help you to plan your two-year study program and to answer some of the questions about the VCE and VM. Please make sure that you read the information carefully and ask questions about anything you do not understand. It is important that you and your parents attend the Information Evening on 21 June 2023.  You will be provided with information about the programs that are available at Mount St. Joseph Girls' College and how you will be guided through the subject selection and pathways planning process. Domain Leaders, VCE and VM subject teachers and Year 11 and 12 students will be available to answer any questions you have about the different pathways and the various studies that are offered. 


Finally, it is important that you are aware of the timelines for the Course Selection process and that you meet all of the required deadlines. A summary of the process and the schedule follows.


Mrs Chantelle Gauci 

Deputy Principal – Learning and Staff