Principal's Report 

Greetings Families, students, and friends of MPWPS,

Our swimmers are heading to the District day this week.  Good luck to all, try hard and remember it is great to be there with others regardless of the outcome. 

Basket Tea

Yes, we are planning for this on  Friday March 18th from 5.30. It’s BYO everything.  You will be asked to QR code in so that your vaccination certificate can be visible. Each class room will have their number on display so that you can get to know the parents in your class. Your Parent Rep will be present so you can meet and get to know this important  school home contact.


Hope to see you on Friday.

Curriculum Day March 25th

This curriculum Day is focussed on improving student writing so that they move from ‘writing as they speak’ to writing with complexity. We will be working with Misty Ardoniou who has the skill and knowledge to share with us. Misty is from Canberra so is in Melbourne over the week working with a range of schools.  Some of our colleagues from our Network schools will also join us. A full report will be written by Kim Simmons (our Learning Specialist Literacy) after the day.  Camp Australia will offer Curriculum Day Care for those families that require the service.

Learning to Learn

Over the past seven weeks the classes have been focussed on setting up the classroom and learning routines for a safe and orderly learning environment. Classes have been in discussion about the class Rights and Responsibilities, and transitions from one learning task to another.  All these routines are taught so that the class can spend the maximum time on learning. Ask your child about the Learning to Learn aspects of ‘what is a good learner, what is a good teacher’ etc. It is also important for students to know what makes a good lesson in reading and maths so that maximum learning and effort can be obtained. 

Parent Contributions for 2022

Thank you to those parents who have contributed to the aspects as per our Parent Contribution information sheet. 


For your convenience you can now make many of our payments on COMPASS. So easy and efficient for all concerned. 

Student Playground Bubbles

In the coming days we will be enabling all children to play together for the Lunchtime break.  This means that our Junior School will have access to the Big Adventure, and more open areas for their play. I must say however the F-2 students have been very responsible and accommodating whilst we have had the gate closed. The play in the F-2 area has really become more considerate and inclusive. Our older children are being great role models and less ‘police people’.  Kids Club is supervised by teachers and Education Support staff and is offered across all breaks for when the playground is  just a bit too much.   To keep everyone safe it will be important to speak to the younger students about safe play in the Big Adventure.

Second-hand Uniform

Every second Tuesday we will be offering some clean second-hand uniforms. Great for a change of clothing. Watch out for the COMPASS push to let you know when it is happening. Thank-you to Xavia and Donna who are in charge of this opportunity.

Enrolments for 2023

This week we commence our tours for prospective families with children who are starting school in 2023. If you or your friends have children to start school in 2023 and are interested in enrolling with us, please pass on this information.  We will have an enrolment board up shortly and this year there is a QR code for parents to find out more about our school as part of their choosing process.  Again in 2023 we will have space for families outside our enrolment zone. 

School Council vacancies

We are still looking for parent representatives on School Council.  If you are interested let me know so I can speak with the Council about how best to fill these for the 2023 school year.  Being part of School Council is a great opportunity to support the school and all that happens within it. 

Traffic management in Lennox Street

We have had a number of citizens raise with us the double parking that is occurring in Lennox Street at both morning and after school times.  Please be mindful that the traffic wardens from the Moonee Valley City Council do attend at these times, they take a photo of your registration and a fine just appears in the post! How about parking a little distance away and walking to the entry gate?  I urge your attention to this problem. 

Well, that’s about it from me.  Until we meet in person, stay well and safe.  


Kind regards

Kerri Simpson
