
Ongoing Collections at St Brigid's

At St Brigid’s we are continuing to collect the following recyclable items at school as a part of our sustainability actions.


Old Mobile Phones - Zoo's Victoria

We are collecting old mobile phones to send to Zoos Victoria. Two years ago the Environment and Sustainability Team implemented a project to help save the gorillas. That project was called ‘They’re Calling On Us’ (Zoos Victoria designed the original project and it is called ‘They’re Calling On You’ but we took ownership of our part of the project and changed the name). The project is about donating old mobile phones so that we can recycle coltan and save the gorillas’ homes.


Plastic Bottle Caps - Envision

To make a difference in our community we are collecting plastic bottle caps. These are turned into filaments, a plastic thread that is used in 3D printers, to create seating and equipment for community groups. This helps reduce the amount of these bottle caps in landfill and gives them a new life.


Plastic Bread Ties

Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs is an organisation that collects bread tags nationally in Australia. The tags are recycled locally, raising funds to buy wheelchairs for disadvantaged people in South Africa.


Students can take these items to their classrooms. We have receptacles for all our recycling in our Sustainability Room.