Principal's report

Dear Parents,Carers, Students,Staff and members of the Moonee Ponds West Community


Bunnings BBQ 

Last Saturday MPW hosted the Bunnings BBQ at Highpoint. It was a beautiful sunny Melbourne day which attracted lots of hungry customers to the Bunnings  BBQ.  The day was very successful with $2066.70 being raised. My grateful thanks to the MPW Fundraising team - Danielle, Rachel and Sophie and all the community members who  volunteered their time on the day.

Book Week this week! 

Thank-you to all students and staff for taking part in this great day. It was wonderful to see so many families represented at the Assembly.  Thank-you to parents who took time to dress their children into their favourite character. As promised, I read my chosen book 'Goodnight,Goodnight Construction Site' to anyone who would listen!  I will be reading a couple of other books on Thursday so all be ready!  Hope your child had a happy day reading and enjoying literature.


The multi-aged classes were a great success as well. The mixing of children from across the school gets everyone knowing everyone else.  It is such a family MPWPS.  This is something for all to be really proud.  My group was terrific with the older children modelling great co-operative and philosophy skills.

Father’s Day Stall

Yes, it is on again this year. It will be running next week and as usual the JSC members will be assisting.  Of course, we do require some parent helpers. If you can give an hour or so to set up or serve as a helper we would be very grateful.   The Father’s Day Stall will be held on Friday 30th and Thursday 29th August.  It’s another busy week at Moonee Ponds West PS.

Lost Property

Seems this is a constant.  If you take off your jumper, can you pick it up please?  With the wet weather, jumpers get very wet and whilst we try to dry them before they go to Lost Property this can be difficult. Usually, it is Brian that collects these items!

Head Lice

We have all had these little critters in our homes, mostly in our hair!  What pests they are too!  The best way of getting rid of them is with basic hair conditioner! Yes, hair conditioner is the best way.  It will not damage anything except the lice!  The more you can saturate the hair and scalp the better.  The conditioner smothers the eggs and so they cannot hatch.  You do need to remove all the eggs however and that is the time consuming part.  Even if one gets the chance to hatch the cycle begins again.  Live lice eggs are dark in colour, and are on the hair follicle at the base close to the scalp. A comb will remove some but not all. Your fingernails are the best!  When you think you have them all the routine is treat again, comb through and check again.  When you think the head is clear of these little things, it is important to adopt a routine where the hair is brushed vigorously every day and at night before bed.  If there is an egg that has hatched and you have missed it, the brushing will damage the creature and so it cannot breed.  Ahh the life cycle of head lice!  Good luck!  A final note if we are informed of a case of head-lice, we let all parents in the affected class know, so that children can be watched. We inform with a notice and a COMPASS push.

The MVIMP Soiree

It is on again this year; the Soiree. Another great opportunity for MPWPS students to give effort and display their skill. The Soiree will commence at 7pm and because we have over 70 children performing we will have to hold the event in the Gym.  We will attempt to warm it up, but please come prepared for a cooler meeting place.  

Sports results

Congratulations to all students who went to the District Athletics on Friday. It was a freezing day with some sunshine and rain but I don’t think hail.  All our children demonstrated wonderful team spirit not only for our team, but for all students competing.  Congratulations to all for some great individual and team efforts. As yet, we don’t have the list of results, but I think the Year 3 Relay gets to go on!   Let’s go to the next round wearing our school polo shirts, that way we know who you are as a team!

Congratulations also to the St Johns Netballers (including our year 6 students Ava, Jemima, Charlotte, and Alicia) Grand Final runners up! A terrific effort.  I think Maddie is playing in finals presently!  Good luck to our young ‘Marby Park’ team who are in the GF this weekend!

The Sensory Garden

It’s about to begin! The transformation of Jack’s Paddock is about to happen! The architects and builders have been appointed and we met with them last week.  As we expected we will be getting for our $$, the expensive parts of our plan, with further work to be completed by us collectively to make the full plan come to fruition. It’s exciting.  The Jack’s Paddock area will be a work site and will be fenced off and work persons will be entering and exiting via the double Eglinton Street gates that are not used by students or families. Our plan is to notify all immediate neighbours of the development and ensure that ‘builder’s radio’ is kept to an acceptable level! Thanks to all who have contributed to the development of our plans for this area.  The Environment Sub-Committee of School Council with our onsite Facilities Co-Coordinator Sandra Monaghan, will have carriage of the development. I will be barracking at the side!

Well that’s about it from me.  Until we meet in person.


Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting at MPWPS)