Year Three News

Year Three Team: Medha (leader), Tess, Michael & Caity

Welcome back! We hope you have had a restful break, with lots of time spent with family and friends. Grade 3s have an exciting term planned ahead with numerous engaging learning opportunities.  This term also includes some key events, so please make sure you carefully read the term dates and keep an eye on Compass for further information. 


In Reading this term, Grade 3s will work on developing a range of comprehension strategies such as visualising, activating, summarising, inferring and questioning by engaging in reading both fiction and non-fiction texts. We will have a major focus on building students' background knowledge and vocabulary for their reading topics to assist them with their comprehension. Students will also work on consolidating their decoding skills by strengthening their knowledge of phonics.


Our writing units this term are centred around Sentence Fluency, Conventions and Organisation traits of writing. Students will learn what these traits look like in writing and apply them to improve their texts. They will engage in developing an in-depth understanding of a variety of sentence structures through our Sentence Fluency and Conventions units. Through our Organisation unit, students will learn specifically about the structure of Information Reports and strategies to organise them effectively.


This term in Numeracy, students will learn to apply their knowledge of place value to rename numbers in a variety of ways. They will continue to develop a range of mental strategies for addition and subtraction focusing primarily on derived strategies such as 'adding 9' and 'bridging 10'. For multiplication, students will work on enhancing their conceptual understanding, build specific vocabulary such as 'times' and develop fluency with the 5-times table. Their knowledge of multiplication facts of 5 will link perfectly with our other units such as money and time. In our Data unit, students will learn about collecting, organising and presenting data in different ways such as data tables, bar graphs and pictographs.

Units of Work

Our units this term cover the Physical and Chemical Sciences and Geography aspects of the curriculum. In Physical Science, students will investigate different types of forces and their effects on the behaviour of an object. They will also compare and contrast the effect of friction on different surfaces. Our Chemical Science unit will help students develop their knowledge about the states of matter and will allow them to explore how liquids and solids respond to changes in temperature. In Geography, students will learn to read different types of maps and to locate Australian states, territories and capital cities on a map. This will also prepare them for our Geography unit in Term 4.


Homework has commenced this week. Students are encouraged to read for a minimum of 20 minutes 5 times a week and record this in their online reading log through Google Classroom. For Maths, they will work on Essential Assessments tasks through Sunset Maths for at least 15 minutes each week. Students will explore Essential Assessments in the classroom during the next few weeks so that they are familiar with the platform.

Important Term 2 Dates

3MK camp9th May (Students depart at 5 pm)
3TM camp10th May (Students depart at 5 pm)
3MP camp15th May (Students depart at 5 pm)
3CG camp16th May (Students depart at 5 pm)
Kids Share Afternoon (3TM)9th May at 3:20 pm
Kids Share Afternoon (3CG and 3MP)10th May at 3:20 pm
Kids Share Afternoon (3MK)11th May at 3:20 pm


Grade 3 Team

Caity, Medha, Michael and Tess