Religion - Celebrating

From Mrs Makeham

Last week I attended a meeting with the REC's from around the diocese. In the absence of any words of wisdom or encouragement about the horrendous conditions we're suffering at the moment, I'd like to share with you a speech written by a student at St. Joseph's in Barraba.


Out of the mouths of babes...


"I believe that…


I believe that one day the grass will be as tall as 2 metres high. It will be greener than the green splodge of paint I spilled on my school dress.


I believe that the dams will be full, the dry feedlots will no longer be needed, the dust in the sky will no longer be seen, the fires will be out and we won’t be able to smell smoke and dust from our house.


I remember the days when the grass was green, the flowers bloomed and when I danced… I always used to do that. I would put on my favourite yellow summer dress and go dance in the rain. I would put my arms in the air and swish them slowly. I would twirl and spin across the lush grass. I would laugh and smile. 


Those were the happy days. I believe those days will come again.


Now all I see is smoke, brown twigs, dirt, skinny cattle, and my worried and tired father working in the hot dry paddocks. All we do now is spend dollar after dollar on feed and hay. 


Dad believes too, he says one day rain will come again, one day, and to him that is a long time.

I remember when our door was broken. Dad said he will fix it. But two years later, I ended up doing it. 


So, we all still think one day it will rain and we will dance in long lushes of green grass and rain;

waving our hands in the air. 


I believe that our dream will come true one day because... 


I believe in miracles.


Thank you."


Year 2 Catholic Students Preparation – First Reconciliation

Preparation for First Reconciliation has begun. The children will make their First Reconciliation on Friday 22 November after 11:30 am Mass. 

The Month of the Holy Souls

The month of November in the Catholic Calendar is The Month of the Holy Souls. During this month it is customary to remember the dead. It is a time to pray for the deceased members of our school, families and parish.