Principal's Report

Principal:  Sherrin Strathairn - Ms Strath

Assistant Principal:  Julie Dunn - Ms Dunn

Business Manager:  Angie Kilvington

Office Manager: Louise McLean

First Aid Coordinator - Lisa Davison

Dear Bundoora Families,


School Council Election

The School Council election closed yesterday at 4pm. Thank you to the nine parents who volunteered to put themselves forward to serve our school. We value each of you for being willing to commit to School Council. It was a close election with around 100 votes received from parents. 

Our seven parent and two staff vacancies have now been filled. Congratulations to our new school councillors (in no particular order):


  1. Natalie Cogley
  2. Ariane Heritier
  3. Owen Hodda
  4. Anthea MacDonald
  5. Dayna Rixon
  6. Amber Taylor
  7. Alex Tzikas


  1. Julie Dunn
  2. Steven Meagher

Our new School Councillors join our existing School Councillors:


  1. Nathan Smith
  2. Krystle Kalomakaefu


  1. Amy Armstrong

Our 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Wednesday March 15th at 7 pm, followed by the 1st meeting of the 2023 year at 7:30 pm.


I’d like to thank our outgoing School Council members for their work in serving the school. Many of these councillors have served the school for several years, generously giving up their time:

  1. Sarah Treweek (outgoing School President)
  2. Ellen Daly (outgoing Vice School President)
  3. Alanna Quigley
  4. Vicky Kovanidis
  5. Jane Bell

Family Movie Night 

On the 24th of February we held our first Family Movie Night under the stars. Although it was a very warm night to begin with, the weather soon cooled and became pleasant for our picnic.


Our Social Enterprise Team sold cool drinks and Zooper Doopers that were just right on such a hot night. Thank you to our students, parents, and teachers for giving up their evening to raise funds for our chosen charities.


Bundoora Secondary College worked hard until well after 9 pm to serve our families treats such as coffee, popcorn, fairy floss, donuts, slushies, and Dutch pancakes (poffertjes). The food was delicious, and the slushies were definitely a hit!


Thank you to everyone who was able to come along on the night to enjoy a relaxed and enjoyable evening. 



House Meeting

Last Friday we held our first House Meeting for the year, led by our House and Social Enterprise Captains.


Our students were introduced to the charities that have been chosen for the Social Enterprise fundraising focus this year and then split into their house groups to work on their chants and play  ‘getting to know you’ game.


Our Social Enterprise program has been incorporated into the Houses this year in order to engage all of our students in the learning and fundraising. Each house will have a charity to support. Check out our SEP page in the newsletter to find out about our chosen charities.


I was impressed by our new captains and their capabilities in leadership. I am looking forward to a fantastic year with our leadership team!


Curriculum Day and Parent Teacher Interviews

Tuesday is our second curriculum day for the year, with Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Dunn planning for a fun math's session for teachers.


Parent teacher interviews commence at 12 noon, with teachers sending out the WebEx invites today. The day is student free, with TheirCare open for bookings.


These interviews are a chance to meet your student’s teacher and inform them of anything that the teacher may need to know about your child. Term one progress reports will be send home at the end of term with a snapshot of your child’s learning in term one. 



NAPLAN commences for year three and five students next week. Mr.Meagher and Mr. Quarrell have been working hard to prepare the testing and equipment and I know that our students will be well supported by the year three and five/six staff. 


Although the school does get valuable data from these tests, please remember that they are a snapshot of your child on one day for one hour.


Children do not need to study for NAPLAN, and parents and carers can reassure their child by explaining that NAPLAN is part of their school program and remind them simply to do their best. Our teachers familiarise our students with the format of the tests and types of questions so that our students are well-prepared and supported. 


You can see the types of questions and tools available in the online NAPLAN assessments at


Resilience Project

This year we are continuing to focus on student wellbeing with the introduction of The Resilience Project. The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, sports clubs, and businesses, providing practical, evidence-based mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness.


Through presentations, school curriculum, events, the TRP App, and Wellbeing Journals, they share the benefits of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness, and easy ways to practice these in everyday life. They also incorporate Emotional Literacy, Connection and Physical Health education and activities as they are foundational contributors to positive mental health.


The mission of The Resilience Project is to teach positive mental health strategies to help people become happier.


Open Classroom Hour

I am pleased to announce that our first Open Classroom Hour for the year will be held on March 23rd from 2:30 to 3:30. This is a chance for you to drop in and see the work and learning that your child is engaged in. Please view this as a chance to talk with your child and view their excitement at sharing their work with you. 


School Contributions

 We want to thank our families who have been able to contribute to the school fees. Our office is open to receive school contributions which are needed every year to ensure the provision of a high quality of education, supported by resources and a wide range of programs and activities. These can also be paid via Compass.


Instructional Model

Last year our teachers worked with school leadership and the region’s Education Improvement Leader to refine our school Instructional Model. Our model is based on explicit instruction and high engagement, with an emphasis at meeting students at their point of need. 

I am pleased to share our new Instructional Model with you and welcome any questions you may have. 


Upcoming Dates:



13th – Labour Day Public Holiday 

14th – Student Free day (online parent teacher interviews)

15th – NAPLAN starts.

21st – Harmony day – wear a splash of orange.

23rd – Open Class Hour 2:30 to 3:30

29TH – Grade 5/6 visit to Macleod College



6th – Last day of Term – Bundoora’s Got Talent, Easter Bonnet Parade. School ends at 1:45 pm.

7th – Good Friday – public holiday

24th – First day of Term 2 – Student Free (curriculum day)

25th – ANZAC Day public holiday 



8th – Multicultural Day

  • 5/6 Sex Education begins.

10th – Australian Federal Police Visit – Cyber safety

15th – 5/6 Sex Education

24th – Open night 4 pm to 5:30 pm

31st – 5/6 Sex Education



5th – Book fair begins.

12th – Queen’s birthday public holiday

15th – Open Class Hour 2:30 to 3:30

16th – House meeting – no assembly

20th – Student Reports go home.

23rd - Last day of term 2. 1:45 pm finish.


Wishing you all a fantastic long weekend.


Sherrin Strathairn
