Parent and community news 

Thank you to everyone who made the Working Bee our most successful one ever!

Working Bee Wonder

On Sunday the 23rd April, about 50 staff, students and parents turned out for our annual Bluff Road Working Bee. For 4 hours there was a whirlwind of activity as we painted, scrubbed, raked, trimmed, pruned and replaced table tops.


A huge thanks to everyone who turned up

Pip Thode

Torbjorn Bernhardsson

Stuart and Max Cunningham

Kerryn Thorson

Janaka, Anishka and Jayaka Subhawickrama

Shirley and Ivan So

Tammy Cantoni

Shakima, Zane, Eden Cantoni-Brownridge

Andrea Johannessen

Allen and Jessie Baranov (former student)

Kylie and Mila Malic 

Richard, Lily, Sophie Foster & Michelle Jeavons

Harry Bramall

Julie, Kev and Lil Wightman

Andrew Halliday

Simon Woodcock

Katrina, Grace and Finn Lord

Ian and Emily Lendrum

Meagan Temple

Rebecca Carstens

Vanessa Fox

Shane, Robbie Sheedy & Chloe Morrison

Paul Kelly

Viv McElwee

Suzanne Trease

Laura Suckling 

David Hall


Apologies if anyone was left off the list, it was a busy 4 hours with so much accomplished and so much happening. 


We cannot have such an amazing school without the support of our parents, students and former students. Up next is our school production. If you can:

  • set build - basic carpentry/construction) 
  • paint sets
  • sew - experienced  sewers  please
  • manage costumes - no sewing required
  • hair and makeup 
  • make props
  • help organise and sell the roses
  • man the kiosk
  • usher 

WE NEED YOU! Please keep your eye out for a COMPASS post calling for volunteers. You can give as little or as much time and energy as you have.