
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Wellbeing & Operations

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Child Safety – Online Safety

In recent weeks we have been reminding students about the appropriate use of social media, especially in light of the Christmas break coming up soon. I am aware that remarks around online safety are already well-known and often stated, but I would like to remind parents to take the time to speak to their daughters about their online activity and the need to exhibit safe behaviours and act responsibly when using social platforms. 


In particular, parents are encouraged to view their daughters ‘profile pictures’ to ensure that they are appropriate and also monitor not only how much time their daughter is spending on social media but also the time of day that they are active. 


Read more: 
Tips & FAQs,  Common Sense Media, Respectful Relationships & Friendships

How to Help Your Child manage their Stress & Wellbeing

webinar for parents 


All Academy parents are invited to a free parent support webinar taking place on Wednesday 9th November at 6.30pm. This webinar is being run by Elevate Education and will focus on tangible strategies parents can use to help alleviate the feelings of stress & anxiety in the run-up to exams or end of year tests. In particular, the webinar will cover:

  • How to spot your child's stress symptoms early
  • How to start a conversation about emotional wellbeing
  • Techniques your child can use to self-manage stress

Elevate Education already works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series, you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school. On Elevate Education’s website, which is accessed by clicking on the link below, you will also see other webinars that are being run for parents in November and December this year.  Register below.


Final Weeks

As the final few weeks of the year approach I urge parents to encourage their daughters to remain focused on finishing well and with the same vigour and attitude with which they have applied themselves throughout the course of this year. There are still examinations and orientation classes coming for Years 10 &11 and Year 7, 8, and 9 students still have tasks to complete. The expectations do not change nor should we allow standards to decline. We ask that you support the College in ensuring that the students continue to work to the very best of their ability, and in doing so, live up to the talents and gifts that God has given them. The active involvement of our students in all aspects of College life engenders the very spirit of the community of which we are a part and truly represents the Mercy values which we work and live by each and every day.


Please do not hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions concerns.  As always, thank you for your continued support.

Mr Sam Di Camillo

Deputy Principal, Wellbeing & Operations