Child Safety – Online Safety

In recent weeks we have been reminding students about the appropriate use of social media, especially in light of the Christmas break coming up soon. I am aware that remarks around online safety are already well-known and often stated, but I would like to remind parents to take the time to speak to their daughters about their online activity and the need to exhibit safe behaviours and act responsibly when using social platforms. 


In particular, parents are encouraged to view their daughters ‘profile pictures’ to ensure that they are appropriate and also monitor not only how much time their daughter is spending on social media but also the time of day that they are active. 


For example, it is hard to fathom why students would need to be active on social media in the early hours of the morning i.e. 3.30am.


Further to this, it is important that your daughters always check their privacy and security settings on their personal internet and social media accounts. There is a website that can be found on the Victorian Government’s online Student Wellbeing Hub entitled ‘Common Sense Media’.  It can be accessed by using the link below:



Upon entering the site click on ‘Parents Tips and FAQs’ and it is here you will find a link to many topics. If you do a search for Privacy Settings, you will find a brief article with recommended settings. Within this page there are many avenues to explore regarding protecting one’s safety. I encourage you to, with your daughters, explore some of the ideas offered regarding protecting your daughter in the virtual world from the very real-world problems that exist beyond the safety of your own homes.

Respectful Relationships and Friendships

Further to the world of social media, we have also been trying to educate the students about what it means to be respectful to the people around us and respectful to property that doesn’t belong to them. With remote learning having taken the mantle for the majority of 2020 and 2021 and all associated restrictions that have meant limited face to face interactions, it appears that a few of the girls have forgotten some manners around common courtesy and respect. For example, speaking about others behind their back does nothing at all to enhance relationships and friendships. Through the Extended Mentor Group Program and Positive Education Program we are aiming to re-educate the girls in this space, with the crux of the message being that not everyone has to be your friend, but we still need to treat all members of this community in a respectful, polite and dignified manner. We ask for parental and guardian support in reinforcing this message.