School Council

School Council Membership

Parent members:

  • Ben Atchison
  • Lisa Shaw
  • Simone Beever
  • Lee Cath
  • Nigel Keegan
  • Matthew Kenny
  • Jane Kingsley
  • Brian Stanley
  • Nigel Toussaint

 DET members:

  • Kerri Simpson - Executive Officer
  • Helen Lockart
  • Katherine Ayrton
  • Alyena Mohummadally
  • Barbara Springfield
  • Sandra Monaghan (School Council Secretary)

School Council Meetings

commence at 19:00

  • Monday 25th February
  • Monday 18th March (rescheduled)
  • Monday 27th May
  • Monday 17th June (rescheduled)
  • Monday 26th August
  • Monday 16th September
  • Monday 25th November
  • Monday 16th December

Sub Committee Meetings

Education Committee - Meetings commence at 18:30

  • Thursday March 14th
  • Monday May 6th
  • Monday June 3rd
  • Monday August 5th
  • Monday September 2nd
  • wednesday November 6th
  • Monday December 2nd


Resources Committee - Meetings commence at 19:00

  • Tuesday 12th February
  • Tuesday 12th March
  • Tuesday 14th May
  • Tuesday 11th June
  • Tuesday 13th August
  • Tuesday 10th September
  • Tuesday 12th November


Environment Committee - Meetings commence at 18:00

  • Wednesday 27th February
  • Wednesday 20th March
  • Wednesday 22nd May
  • Wednesday 19th June
  • Wednesday 21st August
  • Wednesday 18th September
  • Wednesday 20th November
  • Wednesday 11th December

School Council Report 18th March 2019

It was a case of "out with the old and in with the new" at council, with farewells given to retiring members and welcomes to new and returning councillors. 


A special farewell and thank you to Lousie Evans who has put a huge effort in as President for two years and on council for several years prior to that. Farewell and thank you also to Vicki McCormack and Jarrod Smith who have completed their terms.


Welcome to our new council members - Matthew Kenny, Jane Kingsley, Brian Stanley, Katherine Aryton and Barbara Springfield. 


Welcome back to returning councillors - Simone Beever, Lee Cath, Nigel Toussaint and Helen Lockart.


Each year the office bearer positions are elected, congratulations to

  • President - Ben Atchison
  • Vice-President - Nigel Touissant
  • Treasurer - Lisa Shaw


The Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) is the detailed plan of what MPW will be focusing on as a school for the year. It draws on a broader 3-year strategic plan and is informed by data including NAPLAN results, parent and staff surveys and the financial position of the school. Look out for a 1-pager infographic coming soon to highlight the key points of the AIP.


The Education Sub-Committee will use the AIP heavily during the year to guide the curriculum focus on areas such as Year 3 Reading and Numeracy in conjunction with Foundation/1/2 learning that occurs in the lead up.


The Budget is nearing finalisation, enabling leasing of new laptops for grades 3/4, capital works including upgrading the Foundation/1 toilets and some fabulous learning programs planned by staff.


The Environment Committee is riding the wave of capital works to great effect with plenty of interest shown by the broader community to have a say and get involved in the Sensory Garden planned for Jack's Paddock, in addition to opportunities presented by the toilet upgrade project. 


Speaking of which, the new toilets are progressing nicely. Get ready for First Flush early in Term 2!!


Ben Atchison

School Council President