Principal's report

Dear Parents, Carers, Staff, Students and friends of MPWPS

Did you know that each Monday from 9.30-10.00am there is a Principal’s Open Line?  You can call in, and discuss any item that is burning a hole in your mind.  I am happy to hear your comments on how the school is going generally, how the students are learning, or any other aspect you choose to share.  Principal’s Open-Line is an invitation for you to engage with your school.  The school phone number is 93706875.  Call and ask for Kerri. I will be waiting.

Three Way Conferences

Last week a day was devoted to this important communication. So how did they go?  We collect attendance data from each class so we can see if parents and students took up the offer.  We were able to iron out the glitches in the COMPASS booking system and I think the future we will leave the system open until 4.00 pm the day before the Three Way Interviews day. That way we give the maximum amount of time for parents to book.  However, I must say we did give a long lead in to the bookings and still parents were trying to get on in the last hours before the day. Effectively using the tool COMPASS requires parents to really be partners and read information supplied (via newsletters, COMPASS pushes, and or information directly from teachers) in order for all things to run smoothly.  I ask for your support in completing tasks within the due dates.  History has informed me that this is not necessarily the case at MPWPS.  Only when we work together can we get better.

Foundation enrolments

We are still looking for enrolments for 2020.  If you have a sibling that should be starting school in 2020, please enroll ASAP. We have a number of families from ‘out of the area’ requesting places that I cannot confirm until all our current families have been accommodated.   We will be holding a New Parents Transition Evening later this term, so please watch out for your letter of placement and the information about this evening.

Parent Forum THIS Friday at 9:10 -10.00am

This FRIDAY we will be holding our first Parent Forum.  Vicki Mc Cormack our Numeracy Learning Specialist will be facilitating the session, with a focus on Problem Based Learning and the role of Number Talks in developing children’s number knowledge.  We have an event on Eventbrite so you can register. Please head to  As yet, no one has enrolled!  If you are interested, please indicate via Eventbrite.   Might see you on Friday.  We will be meeting in the room next to the Staffroom.  Little ones always welcome.

Tree Planting Mark 2

Tree Planting Mark 2: Some of the children in the one/two team are finishing their Inquiry topic with a planting event!  The idea is to try to thicken up the planting in the section of garden that runs parallel to the Soccer Pitch.  Yes, I know we have tried this before, but we are not giving up!  If you would be able to help with the planting on this Thursday morning (9.00am) that would be terrific.  We are planting small tubes of native flora, so a shovel and or mattock would be very helpful.  Meet you there at 9.00.

Our project with the Incinerator Gallery

Our project with the Incinerator Gallery:  How lucky are we to have this exceptional opportunity to liaise with the Incinerator Gallery.  Christine the Gallery’s Director, has made contact with our Visual Arts Team (Sue Phillips and Claudia Stolfo) and offered an opportunity to learn about using art to strengthen our students thinking skills.  Christine will visit on a regular basis assisting Sue and Claudia in developing tailored lessons around thinking critically using pieces of art.  On Thursday afterschool (in our afterschool Professional learning session) Christine will offer staff the first session around this focus.   I am sure if your year level is involved you will hear about it at home around the dinner table. 

Pleasurable Food Education

On the Medibank website under Healthy Kids, there is a great recipe for Cauliflower Fritters with lime yoghurt dressing.  Of course, the children would have made these in a Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program  from the vegetables they had planted, harvested and prepared for sharing.  The site is

Such a wonderful program for children and it reinforces Pleasurable Food.  I encourage you to get your child/ren into the kitchen. You will be surprised what they can actually prepare and cook. Instructing in pleasurable food education: it is everyone’s responsibility.

Well that is about it from me.  Until we meet in person. Stay well and away from the coughs, and sneezes that seem to be around.


Kerri Simpson (Principal Acting at Moonee Ponds West PS)