Education News

Green Team

Fighting Extinction Video Showcase

Our school’s insect hotels have been featured on the Zoos Victoria Fighting Extinction Showcase. The video can be viewed at:

The video features two of our students talking about the insect hotels that they took part in making. The hotels themselves just need to be fitted with some mesh to keep the insides in and the outsides out and then they can be mounted somewhere for our local insect populations to take up residence (or just to holiday over in them during the colder months).

The showcase features a number of other videos from schools that have completed projects aimed at Fighting Extinction. You might like to have a look at these with your child to get them inspired.

Wicking Beds

The Green Team have their own wicking bed! Darryl Puddefoot was kind enough to come in at very short notice and help us to fill it with lining, pipes, rocks and soil. Now that the bed is ready to go, the Green Team in 2021 will have yet another outlet for our Greening tendencies.


Created by the 5/6 students

This term in Creative Arts the Year 5/6’s created aluminium foil figurative sculptures inspired by Swiss sculptor Alberto Giacometti. Construction develops skills such as – creative thinking, planning, decision-making, investigating and problem-solving. It provided opportunities for students to use their imagination and be creative.





How to Make a Cake


Packet Cake Mix – Chocolate

1 egg

1 cup of water

½ cup of oil







Step 1. Get a bowl

Step 2. Get the chocolate cake mix 

Step 3. Put the oil and water in the bowl with the cake mix

Step 4. Crack the egg and add to the mixture

Step 5. Stir it all together

Step 6. Then put it in the pan and then the oven

Step 7. When cooked take it out of the oven

Step 8. Put icing and sprinkles on top of cake

Step 9. YUM! Finally you can eat it!



How to go Fishing


  • Fishing rod
  • Worms


Step 1. Get a fishing rod.

Step 2. Get a worm and tie it on.

Step 3. Put the fishing rod in the water.

Step 4. Pull your fishing rod up and down to catch your fish.

Step 5. Well done, you have caught a fish!



How to Front Flip


  • Trampoline
  • Flat ground with a padded soft mat


Step 1. Bounce up and down to get height 

Step 2. Then flip your body forward

Step 3. Lastly try to land on your feet



Step 1. Run up to the mat

Step 2. Leap into the air and flip your body

Step 3. Lastly, try to stay on the mat and land on your feet

Parent Rep Testimonials

Parent Representative System

All parent now have the Expression of Interest form and the Handbook (uploaded to the newsletter and website) for the Parent Representative system.  Please consider this important role in our community.  Each class will have a Parent Rep and this can be a shared role. 

The Parent Rep role is a wonderful way to get to know your school and below are some testimonials from parents currently in the role.

I urge your consideration.


Parent Rep Testimonials

As a first time school parent, Being a parent rep very quickly gave me a strong sense of connection with my school community. Kate ( Room 22)

"Being a parent rep is a great experience, as you get the opportunity to be involved and feel part of the wonderful school community we have.

What I have enjoyed from this role is getting to know a great group of parents who are all very helpful and keen to be supportive to the school, staff,  students, families and each other."



(Room 7)


School Banking

From Term 1, 2021 the Victorian Government has ceased school banking programs in Victorian government schools. As a result, the CommBank School Banking program will no longer operate at our school after the end of this term. If you are unsure of other methods of depositing to your child’s account, please feel free to contact the Bank’s general enquiries hotline on 13 2221 or alternatively visit your local CommBank branch.


If your child is eligible to receive a reward, please notify the Office prior to the 11th December 2020.


We would like to thank you for your participation and support throughout the School Banking program.