News from Year 5/6 Camp

This week  the Year 5/6 students attended camp to Phillip Island Adventure Resort.

On Wednesday, 34 excited, but nervous students headed off to explore and test their courage at the CYC camp at Phillip Island.  Although at times the weather was not kind to us, we had an awesome adventure.


On Wednesday we left school at 8:45 am to head to our first destination at San Remo.  The first stop was the San Remo Fish Co-Op, where we stopped and had fish and chips for lunch.  After we had had a great feed, we then went to watch the pelicans being fed the fish scraps from the morning's catch from local fishermen.  There were about 10 pelicans and one stingray enjoying the morning feed of fresh fish.  After this, we headed to camp.


When we reached camp we set up our beds and then had our first rotation which was the heart-stopping flying fox and giant swing.  Here many students tested their courage as they stood atop a 10-metre tower waiting for the flying fox to race them to the other end of the camp.  This was an exhilarating experience for all students and some teachers who experienced the flying fox. 


The other half of the group went onto the giant swing. Standing below the swing the group were thinking this would not be a scary activity, but once hauled to a height of 18 metres, it was scary and the best thing ever for some students.   in the evening, we went for a night walk to see if we could spot any koalas or other wildlife.


The next day we had water activities.  The activities were raft making and canoeing and also a team building game.  These activities were very fun and challenged the thinking of some students as they had to rescue Jay (an imaginary character) with 3 planks of wood.   This also involved him being transported flat from one side of the area to another.


In the afternoon we went to Amaze n Things for mini golf, puzzles and the drop slide.   here we got to see many interesting magic tricks, secret doors and see the gravity room. The drop slide was for the brave at heart as you dropped 8m down a slide.  After much fun here, we went back to camp for dinner, a movie and then bed.


We have had an amazing adventure at Phillip Island and when we get home, we will ALL be looking for a long rest before heading back to school next week.  


Enjoy your rest 5/6 and thankyou for the great experience.