Principal's Report

Dear parents, carers and kin,


As we near the final week of term there is lots of talk about a number of things.  With the concert on the horizon much planning is happening behind the scenes to finalise the performance.  Don't forget to purchase your tickets.  Tuesday next week we are meeting onsite with Maddison the architects who is working with us to provide design options.  This will happen over the next few months whilst they get to know our students and our education environment.  We are really looking forward to this project. Just yesterday a number of our junior school had an all day excursion to the aquarium in the city.  From the feedback fun was had by all.  The students experienced some unique creatures that live in our sea.  Today is an all day athletics day and wish those students well.  The swimming program is back and over the next week our students will be engaged in building on their swimming experience and skills.  There will be some very tired students coming home over next week. We are in the week of SSG's, it has been great seeing parents in the school, i always enjoy chatting with parents.  If you have not been able to connect with your child's teacher. If you have not been able to set a time for a catch up now would be the perfect opportunity.


Shaun Bacon

Assistant Principal



Other important messages you may have missed...


Changes to transport

We sometimes have changes made to transport arrangements for students.  This can result in some last minute changes so that students access the correct bus, or are at the back gate for parent pick up.  The office staff does a great job of managing student transport.  Please help us keep transport operations running smoothly by contacting the main office by 2:45pm each day if there are any changes to how your  son or daughter is getting home from school.


Teacher communication

Communication channels between home and school became much more open and regular over the past two years.  This is a direct result of the pandemic and the periods of remote learning that required close contact between teachers and parents.  Good communication between home and school and strong relationships between parents and teachers is key to positive student outcomes.  Current email and other electronic communication can blur the lines between our working lives and home lives.  As a staff, we've discussed having boundaries and limiting parent communication after hours unless it is an emergency or a critical matter.  Please support us by communicating with teachers between 8:00am and 5:30pm.  Or if you are emailing outside of those hours, please accept that you may not get a reply until the next day.