Education News 

Nüdel Kart Incursion on Thursday and Friday 30th May and 31st May

On Thursday 30th May 2019, Room 19 took part in an awesome incursion. All the 1/2 classrooms got to take part as well on either Thursday or Friday.

We had to go into Amy’s room as it was wet outside and when we went in there we saw a strange looking trolley thing. It was black with light brown wooden bits. It was exciting as we didn’t know what was going to happen.

We sat on the mat and the teacher Cat told us that it was a Nüdel Kart and we could pull it apart and find stuff in it and make and build things.  Lots of things were made! Cars,  camping tents, musical instruments, super hero costumes,  a camera, games and even a shower!

In the middle of our session, Cat gave us a challenge. We had to work with a different group and build something different. It felt good to play with someone different and take turns and share.  There was lots of team work in the room! And lots of crazy ideas when we were allowed to do whatever we wanted with the bits and pieces.   

When it was time to pack up, we had to do it. We had to build the Nüdel Kart back together and it was tricky but fun again! All the bits and pieces went back into the drawer boxes.

Now we all want a Nüdel Kart for school and one for home!

by James H and Miranda F

Room 19.



Amenities opening Friday 7th June

Last Friday we had a wonderful ceremony to officially open the new Amenities Block (read toilet).  Please the photographs from the opening.