Class Reps Needed

A Parent rep for each class is a really key role to keep families connected in these socially distanced times that make large whole-school events difficult.


We would love you to become the parent rep for your child's class.

Last newsletter we put out a call for parents/caregivers who are interested in being a classroom representative (Class Rep) this year. 


The classroom representative role is fulfilled by one or more parent/carer who organises social interaction of families from each class. The class reps may work together to do this across a year level. 


Our aim is to build a sense of community by ensuring that our parents/carers are adequately informed about school events and how they can participate or contribute. Doing this improves the school experience for everyone, especially your children.


Class reps facilitate communication and connection amongst families and children in the same class, organise occasional social catch-ups and welcome new families into the school. 


As the ongoing COVID situation makes whole school social events like 'Jazz in the Park' not possible at this time, the role of the class reps in forming and maintaining smaller-scale connections and catch-ups takes on even greater significance.


More information about the specifics on the class rep role can be found in our last newsletter at 


In the table below you can see which SKiPPS classes now have a class rep to do this important job;


ClassName of 2021 Class Rep
Foundation A 
Foundation B 
Foundation J 

 As you can see, so far we have had no parents volunteer for this role. 


Being a class rep isn't a huge amount of work and could even be done by a couple of parents together (or a group working across a year level). 


We would love for all of our parents and carers to consider whether they could take this role on for 2021. We are aiming to have a class rep (or two) for each class in place by Easter so we can hold a class rep get together and then get going. 


If you think you could help out, please drop an email to
