We need your help - Become a parent Rep!

SKiPPA, our parent's asscoiation are looking for a parent from each class to act as a parent rep for the year to help connect families with each oher and the school.

We are looking for parents/caregivers who are interested in being a classroom representative (Class Rep) this year. 


The classroom representative role is fulfilled by one or more parent/carers who organise social interaction of families within the classroom. Our aim is to build a sense of community by ensuring that our parents/carers are adequately informed about school events and how they can participate or contribute. 


Class reps facilitate communication and connection amongst families and children in the same class and particularly to welcome new families into the school. 


This is one of the many ways you can help our school community. It is our aim to allocate classroom representatives to all classes and notify you as soon as possible in readiness for this year’s classes. 


What do Class Reps Do?

Encourage and maintain a sense of class community through, organising social events and facilitating communication for the families in their class. 

In order to encourage a sense of community, Class Reps are asked to, at a minimum, organise the following:

  • A social catch up at least once or twice per term could include:
    • a coffee morning after school drop-off
    • an after school pick-up play in the park
    • an after-hours event
    • an end of term get together (this can be as easy as a picnic on the school oval).

Remember social events should be affordable and approachable for all and social events should vary in time of day or week so parents/carers with different work or other commitments can attend at least one per term.


Class Reps also play an important role in helping new families settle into our school and to encourage them to be involved in the school community. SKIPPA will generally inform the Class Rep if a new family has joined their class. 


Each class should have one representative who has volunteered to do this. The Class Reps can also work in a team and cover the whole composite year level (i.e. four Class Reps may together look after all of grade 3/4). However for some aspects of the role, such as welcoming a new family into the school (and class) we think it is helpful that each class and teacher has a single parent contact point.


Class Reps are also the link between teachers and parents. Teachers may contact the Class Reps to find volunteers for class activities including typing up student writing, displays of student work, excursions or events.  


Finally, Class Reps may assist with a family’s personal event or acknowledgements - such as a class family member being ill or passing away, a teacher’s wedding or a new baby etc. If the Class Rep is able to help with organising a card or small gift and if there is time to take a voluntary collection, many parents are happy to oblige.


Class Contact Lists

The Class Reps are responsible for providing all parents and guardians of children in their class group the relevant class contact list.


SKIPPA will supply each Class Rep with a class contact list through which to contact families. The class contact lists are provided to SKiPPA by the school.  Families who have nominated to be on the list will have updates sent throughout the year. Any errors to be corrected, or changes required to the class lists, need to be made through contact with the School office, who will in turn provide the updated list to SKiPPA for distribution.


What can Class “Contact Lists” be used for? 

Confidentiality of teachers, students and parents must be maintained at all times. Contact lists are to be used solely for the purpose of organising social events, and school community or fundraising events.  Contact lists must not be used for advertising business / products / religion / politics or to air any grievances about the school.

When messaging via email, all recipients should be “Bcc’d” this helps maintain privacy and also prevents the sender from dealing with reply all issues! All parents who have nominated to be on the list receive a class contact list and so may also use them to organise things like birthday parties and play-dates.


How do we start?

Being a class rep is supposed to be relaxed and fun and is what you make it. As a Rep you will receive the contact list for your class to send out. You can use this as an opportunity to introduce yourself. It is then your decision as to what date you want to organise something or how you want to involve parents. SKiPPA can send you some good examples of previous introductory emails, tips and ideas for social get-togethers.


There will be a morning tea (provided by the school) to support the class rep program in the forthcoming weeks. This will provide an opportunity for class reps to meet each other and share ideas. 


Please email stkildaparkparents@gmail.com and neil.scott@educat if you have any questions or would like to get involved.