Term 3 Week 2

Home Learning



This week in Reading we will be working with the picture story book "A Bag and a Bird" by Pamela Allen. Students will be completing a 'Literacy Menu' throughout the week with different tasks relating to the book. The literacy menu tasks focus on the skills of predicting, making connections and summarising. In their Reading Groups this week, each group will be reading a text presented to them on Google Meet and answering a range of questions. The focus skill for these Guided Reading sessions is predicting. 


This week we will focus on further exploring different planning and writing templates. This week we are focusing on the drafting stage of the writing process. Students will use their ideas from last week's brainstorm and choose an appropriate text type that will best develop their ideas, for example, procedural, information persuasive, explanation. Students will choose from a range of templates to plan for the next stage of their writing. 


Word Study

We will continue to focus on the automatic recall of the 'codes' (sounds patterns) by referring to the flashcard videos and saying them with the teacher.  Encourage your child to practise these regularly, as developing this knowledge of the phonemic sounds will greatly assist them when it comes to the skill of reading and writing words correctly.



Number and Algebra

The students will continue to look at number patterns and function machines this week. They will be learning to describe, continue, and create number patterns and use a function machine to apply mathematical rules to numbers. 


Measurement and Geometry.

The focus this week in Length is learning why there is a standard measurement of length and practical activities involving estimation and measuring the length of different objects. Estimation is an important skill and tool for all areas of measurement. The students will understand there are different strategies to use when estimating and through practice will evaluate the most effective one for them. 

Unit of Inquiry

This week we are inquiring into sustainability. Linking the students' experiences in their "Me Olympics' to this week's tasks they will understand that some things cannot keep on going without ever stopping or running out. Through viewing a series of videos they will develop their thinking of sustainability and relate this to Earth's natural resources. By creating their own  environmental footprint students will find out how their lifestyle impacts Earth and the environment.


This week the students are being encouraged to think about how music can support their wellbeing.  Different pieces of music may help to improve your mood, calm your mind or energise your body.  The students are being asked to search for a song that makes them feel good and sing it out loud! 


Grade 3 Team

If you need to contact your child's class teacher you can do so via Compass. Alternatively, our email addresses are as follows. Please note the Department of Education has recently changed all Education staff email addresses, so these may be different to the ones you already have.


Sylvia Zanati (3A) 



Georgia Kirk (3B)



Shae Langford-Jones & Amanda Kerr (3C)




Bill Kolivas (3D) 
