Sport Report

Equal Opportunity Day - Girls AFL

Kingston division cross country

On Wednesday 31st May, Sandringham College sent a strong team of approximately 50 students to our first round of cross country. Students competed in either 3km or 5km races. From those athletes who participated, 10 students placed in the top 15 and these students will be heading to the Southern Metropolitan Region cross country at Cruden Farm on Thursday 22nd June.

Sporting Schools Grant

We were awarded a $2500 grant from the Australian Sporting Commission to spend on cricket education. We chose to spend the funds on equipment to enable our students to have a wider range of cricket experiences during our Physical Education classes. We also purchased some match quality equipment which will be used during PE classes and interschool sport. Mr C is especially excited to bring this equipment into his cricket coaching sessions with our year 7 and 8 students!

Team Vic

Congratulations to Oscar and Sienna of Year 10 who applied and were successful in gaining positions in Team Vic for swimming. Team Vic applications are open to all Victorian school students who's school are registered with School Sport Victoria. Sandringham College is a proud member of School Sport Victoria and we compete in the Kingston Division.

Oscar and Sienna are heading up to Sydney in August to compete in the School Sport Australia swimming finals. We wish them all the best and look forward to sharing their results.


Interschool Sport - term 2

Junior boys netball
Junior girls AFL
Senior badminton
Senior boys netball
Senior girls AFL
Intermediate badminton
Intermediate boys soccer
Intermediate girls netball
Junior boys netball
Junior girls AFL
Senior badminton
Senior boys netball
Senior girls AFL
Intermediate badminton
Intermediate boys soccer
Intermediate girls netball

Pictured above is just some of our teams that have or will represent our college this term. We are so proud of the dedication these students have shown in trainings and tournament-day behaviour. Sandringham College may have a small representation at the Kingston division for interschool sport but what we lack in size, we make up for in sweat and hard work.

A large special mention goes out to all of our amazing staff who spend hours of their free time, during and outside of school hours, coaching these teams. There is a lot of hard work that goes into preparing and coaching these teams before they even hit the field/court. Thank you coaches, without you our students wouldn't have these special school-day memories.


For all queries about inter-school sport or for more information about how to get your child involved, please contact Erin Carter (Sports coordinator)