
David Hall, Acting College Principal

97 days to Graduation

On our return to school on the 10th July, our year 12 students will have 97 days left until their Graduation Ceremony at Robert Blackwood Hall on the 15th October.  For many it will then be a week or so before the examination period hits top gear. 


So - what's possible in 97 Days?   A fair bit actually...


For instance:  97 days is the approximate gestation period for a leopard.  That's right - the complete creation of life in about the same time that our year 12 cohort have to prepare for the end of their high school journey.  


It takes a sunflower to go from seed to full bloom around 97 days. From a tiny speck of possibility to arguably one of the most beautiful flowers in the world.  From potential to magnificence.  97 days! 


Every day a little more growth.  Every opportunity to develop and expand your knowledge base and critical thinking skills needs to be taken.  Now is very much the time to be getting down to the business of learning.



The General Achievement Test is a huge undertaking at any school.  I am very grateful to our outstanding staff and respectful students for the way that the GAT was firstly, run and, secondly, tackled.  The GAT is more than just a safety net for students who may need a derived score come the examinations.  It is a measure on how well the literacy and numeracy of a school has progressed over time.  It can be used as a statistical tool that can benefit all students at this college.  My thanks to those students that gave it their all.


G10 Summit

Congratulations to all involved in the G10 Summit for 2023.  It takes a village to put on these huge events and I am always grateful to our incredible staff for bringing the magic to these days.  How spectacular was it to have the great man himself; Eddie Betts, join us at the College?  Perhaps we should name one of the forward pockets on the new field after him? 

I can hear Music

I was thrilled to be able to see both the VCE music night (6th June) and the Remix instrumental evening (8th June) come to life in the school theatre.  The VCE students were nothing short of totally astounding.  As a poor to middling musician myself I was completely blown away by the professionalism and attention to detail in each performance.  The ensemble evening was also a stand out.  Students from across the school strummed, beat, bowed, blew, and sung their hearts out.   The evening showed off the prodigious work that has been done by our incredible music department over the journey.  Luke Devenish, his team of teachers, and the amazing music students have done a great job.


AFL Super clash


On Friday the 7th of April the AFL hosted their annual good Friday super clash game featuring North Melbourne and Carlton. Ava Guthrie (one of our amazing VCAL students) and other patients from the Royal Children’s Hospital got the opportunity to meet players, interview them, watch the game and walk through the banner. A highlight for Ava was interviewing the players (including the current Brownlow Medalist - Patrick Cripps) and seeing them all in the guard of honour. 


'The feeling of standing in the middle of the ground was incredible. This was a life changing experience, and I am so grateful to the Good Friday appeal for giving this opportunity to us kids at the Royal Children’s Hospital.'   Ava Guthrie


At the end of good Friday, the total money raised for this foundation was $23,061,320.


One with onion - one without.

Could I take the opportunity to thank the phenomenal crew of parents, students and friends of the college who came out to feed the masses at the Mentone Bunnings recently.  The amazing amount of money raised is so very much appreciated, but, the most remarkable and heart warming part of the day was the willingness of our incredible community to take part.   The volunteer list filled so quickly and many missed out.  Thanks to all that volunteered their time - you are the heart of our brilliant college.

The Build

Our amazing new high performance center continues to take shape at Holloway Rd.  I cannot wait to see our entire student and staff community come together in this stunning space.  

Thank you

A quick thank you to all of the parents, staff and students who were so kind while I sat in for Amy Porter during her well deserved break.  My time is up at the end of this term. I had a great time keeping Amy's chair warm for her but I will be the first to welcome her back on her return.  You do incredible work, Amy!